
That’s front-pocket money.

“... because on Long Island there are no sewers....” Before you write something about an area, take a look at Google maps. Long Island is big (note the word, “long”) and there are all sorts of municipalities there that run sewer systems. Brooklyn is on Long Island. Queens is on Long Island. Garden City is on Long

We are not accustomed to seeing this level of dysfunction in such an elevated societal position. Normally, this stuff becomes evident closer to the trailer park.  Apologies to the 10% of Americans who lead essentially normal, healthy lives in motor homes.

There may be an odd number in the shipment box. 2000 employees and maybe 2021 vials arrive. 21 people get lucky and are scheduled for the second dose the day.

You get a card to be notified for the second dose.  It will be part of that day’s planning.

No Zoom in Oregon?

Go for vinegar or freezing first; the peanut butter trick is great for getting stickers off hard things, but the possibility of adding a stain to a garment should make this the last choice.

 “Sent from My Brand-name Mobile Device” was a bit of one-upmanship and marketing ploy by the manufacturer. “If Sidney has such a device, am I not worth at least as much?” It sold millions of phones and tablets. I remember a manager preferring to answer email on his phone because he felt it gave him a certain

For years, outside the Ford Motor CO in N.J there was a truck that sold home fries, egg, and green pepper sandwiches. They were good for breakfast, or depending on where you worked in the plant, you might be able to heat it up for lunch by putting it over the motor of a fork-lift.

NO egg? Nobody wants a fried egg and some bacon so it’s like an egg mcdonut?

Really good for unstuffed (lazy) cabbage rolls. 

The outside is made of plant pulp. On the inside, there’s a pocket of ice.  Sound biodegradable.  It’s not the container shown above; it’s  packet that goes into that container.

Her press conferences side-by-side with the truth ought to pretty much write the campaign for her opposition.

Claire used ~1/3 tsp on more than 1 pound of ground meat. Unless she ate that entire pound, she’s not consuming an unusual amount of sodium. If she adds other spices, she probably won’t be including any table salt. This is where judgement comes in and you don’t use any spice compounds that include salt. These

“Of course, attending a circuit party with hundreds of maskless revelers is a different thing than hanging in a small friend group, though both have been featured on gaysovercovid.”

You can put a couple of cups of rice into a pillow case, tie it off and then shock it in the microwave for about2-3 minutes. The rice, (reusable) somehow gets warm - be careful here, test after 2 minutes - and it will hold the heat for the better part of an hour. Works like a heating pad and you can put it over or

Most of the people reading this column have never seen a percolator in action. I think it makes a richer brew, but it has nuisance value because you need to have a coarser grind and you need to pay attention to it. One of the reasons people use eggshells is to catch the fine particles that pass through the filter.

Julia’s descriptions made food on black and white TV still seem appealing; “Isn’t that (gray mess on a plate) lovely?” Then she had a glass of wine midday to go with her lunch. Millions of American women (and a few men) learned that you could cook some foods without boiling them to death. Tender-crisp became so

Ice cream soda starts with dense, flavored syrup, then you use the seltzer fountain to fizz it up before adding the ice cream. You pull the handle toward you for just plain seltzer, but you push the handle away from you for seltzer under pressure. Black & white means chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream. Root beer

If anyone looks at him out of his father’s shadow, they will realize he’s simply not very bright, and jumps to embarrassing conclusions.