“Marjorly”...... Biden Plans a Major Expansion or Biden Plans to Expand Child Tax Credit Significantly
“Marjorly”...... Biden Plans a Major Expansion or Biden Plans to Expand Child Tax Credit Significantly
“ahistoric”? Really? This clip from an ok movie isn’t where anyone will go to learn about Trump. There is way too much elsewhere, and a scene where a little boy needs to go to the bathroom doesn’t carry the movie.
There is no monolith of community. It’s many, many PUD’s with names designed to express their superiority over other communities. Many are gated and in many case the landscaping conveys to the visitor that prosperity is here. After that one guy yelled, “White Power” there was another parade called “Ridin’ with…
And you can see she’s having so much fun!
So if I walk down the street where my car is parked, how does it know I’m going to another store and not planning to start the car? It sounds like I can “lend” my code like to the parking lot attendant, but I didn’t hear about a way to take that code back. I am serenely confindent they thought of that.
I am aware of racist bartenders who left a tinge of soap in the glass because the combination of soap and beer gave diarrhea. It was a way of discouraging returns visits.
“I agree to the price and condition. Unfortunately, I am out of town on business but I can send a cashiers check...”
“I’m surprised no one in the government managed to even throw up a hotline or a website at, say, vaccine.gov,...” Look back into last year when they were still advocating herd immunity through increased infections and saw no reason to set up a distribution system. No matter how loud we screamed, Trump and Pence held…
When we see ice cream being manufactured on the Discovery Channel there is always a metal detector over which the cartons pass. Maybe that’s a Canadian thing. Disappointed once again.
A real refrigerator-cleaner. “and oh so salty...” Right? Even by my terrible standards this has a lot of sodium. I need an extra drink of water after just reading the ingredients. I will admit that when 3 of us shared a trailer in college during the Revolutionary War, we routinely made dishes like this and ate…
The goal wasn’t, “healing and unity”; the goal was justice.
Gravity is a bitch. It doesn’t care if you’re famous.
I’m sure all those Molotov cocktails weren’t prepared just to burn up some offices and decorations. The attempt to get get as much of Congress into one place was pretty obvious. We’re not talking about yelling at them; this would have been a massacre.
Movers know generally where thing will go. The bed goes on the big wall, the lamp goes near an electric outlet, the table and chairs go into the dining room. We kept quiet and the guys looked at the room and saw where things would go best. They go into hundreds of rooms each year. The furniture was in those same place…
We were taught to use the back edge of the knife. I think it kinda scrapes the volatile oils off your hands.
It’s still an attempted coup, no matter how inefficient or unlikely it was. They didn’t have to enlist the military; they wanted to prevent the counting of the ballots and that would have created chaos, because there would be doubt cast on any replaced ballots.
It’s just another animal fat, but it does have little particles of the meat, so it’s necessary to keep an eye on it and not heat it too much before adding the corn, or. The expanding water inside the kernel is what makes the corn explode or pop.
Might want to get an update on this suggestion. U.S. eggs are washed when they come from the farm. Sometimes they are washed again in the sorting process.
A lot of people pay attention to Martha, including a lot of people who have doubts about vaccines. It is useful for her to be seen getting the shot at age 79 as that may remove the doubt in some peoples’ minds
I see tortillas sold in zip-loc bags around here. Cantcha just wet the bag, hit it with a little Blue Dawn, and then rinse and dry? It’s clear I’m missing something there.