
The instructions are pretty specific about not putting fibrous things into the disposal. That can include inion skins, celery, etc. Another problem frequently encountered is not running enough water when the disposal is running. They can handle a lot, but they need a bunch of water to do it.

“...wipe it with a soft cloth...” it’s cast iron. You can wipe it with a paper bag or an industrial paper towel. As stated above, it is not a Faberge egg. If the crud gets too thick, you can boil a handful of salt for a while and then scrape it with a brush or spatula. Rinse and dry.

Karkee’s “mask” doesn’t filter anything - it just changes the route by which it is spread. There are some things with which you cannot negotiate, no matter how rich and pretty you consider yourself to be. Science is one.

The insurrection seeks to make a political change, but you can have a riot after a soccer match.

The pardons have to be specific to the person. They’d have to individually admit to the crime and then get pardoned.

They are so desperate for clicks that they have “Click to Continue Reading” and “Click to get Pending”, “Click to Show all Pending”, occasional pop-ups that require a click because the screen if frozen. I would be willing to go to a site and just click 12 or 15 times so they have the necessary clicks they want and I

Google can be your friend. Cranberry juice is not particularly effective at curing or preventing UTI’s. It has been reported widely on the inter webs that it’s wonderful, but probably one of the greatest benefits is adding additional water to your diet. Urgency and irritation in urinating is frequently due to mild

Derrick Evans, a proud product of the West Virginia education system.

“Do we need the boxes or the ballots? No, things could have rolled on regardless...” but it is unlikely that there are protocols for replacing destroyed ballots either at the state or federal level, and given the already fraught nature of the proceedings, it would not have been good to say to the public that the

They got stopped before they could grab the ballots.  A senate aide took them along when the senate was evacuated.  There does not seem to be much of a mechanism for replacing the envelopes at the federal or state level.  Any replacement would be looked on as doubtful.

If one of the Senate aides hadn’t had the wit to grab the envelopes and take them away during the evacuation, we would be in a confusing state. There is no provision for replacing the envelopes sent from the states. They were noted as appearing to be ‘true, original, authentic’, etc. They couldn’t say that if they

He would be great fun to know.

My mother put it on scrambled eggs and I never questioned it.  I’d say that the amount shown in the header picture is a bit much.  Maybe a dab or two, but not burial under ketchup. I just grew out of it and I haven’t tried it again in years.

For a long time eucalyptus was used as an underlying basis for various soaps, lotions, oils for diffusing. It can be as pleasant or as penetrating and annoying as gardenia. I would recommend that you get a leaf or two and see how you respond to it. Decorators used it everywhere years ago and found out that people

Smoked paprika.

Have a mental “garage sale” as you look around your dwelling and you’ll find it a lot easier to part with things. If you were to suddenly “depart” would any of the stuff bring more than a buck or two? They won’t know Aunt Katharine gave it to you nor would they care. I’ve started doing this because I know what some

Get a thermometer. That looks kinda raw. Double-check your oven temp - bread tends to be baked at higher temperatures-400-425F. One good thing is, it’s cheap, so you maybe risked about $1.75 on ingredients, and one of these days you’ll pull out a perfect loaf and then wonder what you did right.

You can do this in the microwave, as well. People will claim it’s not authentic, but it’s just oil, garlic, and heat.  Oh, and it takes about 5 minutes.

Actually, it’s the very slightly slowed response time. We react to an impending fall, but it may be just a little slower, so the chance of completing the fall is greater.  

They weren’t interested in vaccination; they were interested in “herd immunity” but assuring that the most possible people contracted the illness. They probably didn’t really believe a vaccine would exist and that had Atlas encouraging that behavior.