If you spatchcock the bird, it’s breeze to cook and it all comes out moist and relatively quick. I can fire though a 15-lb bird in about an hour and five minutes at 425F, and it’s not dried out. Cook the dressing separately, however.
If you spatchcock the bird, it’s breeze to cook and it all comes out moist and relatively quick. I can fire though a 15-lb bird in about an hour and five minutes at 425F, and it’s not dried out. Cook the dressing separately, however.
If they told him, “No communications”, then a small dose of solitary is a way of saying, “We mean it”.
Certainly not a cure, but if you can get the mouthwash up into the pharynx where the virus is replicating, it’s that many fewer particles to develop. As mentioned elsewhere, some mouthwashes can be irritating, but in general they have a detergent action which breaks down mucus and phlegm. The 1% baby shampoo note…
Thanks for this. I was ignoring the fact that Thanksgiving is coming and I usually have anywhere from 6 to 11 people over. I love those folks, but I don’t want them in my house unless we set up some ground rules. They’re all responsible adults but responsible doctors and nurses have become sick, so the threat…
National Geographic about 1956 - they were probing a sunken wreck somewhere in the Mediterranean and found several amphorae full of wine. The author said it tasted of all the must of the ages and he regretted not being able to spit it out fast enough.
Perhaps every incident of this kind need not be widely reported. It can be inspirational to troubled people. This happened up in Saco, not in some major metropolitan area. Some suggestible people might be inspired (as I’ve already said, I know).
Isn’t a Ferrero-Rocher just a Nestles Crunch in a pretty dress?
It looks a lot like a meadow muffin. Hard pass.
Frozen corn is convenient if you need a handful for making corn fritters or maybe tossing in salad or with some okra and tomatoes. Once you open a can of corn you are committed to its complete use.
The only reason many people watched Buffalo play was to watch Simpson. He was pretty great. Then he got some commercials at a time when there were almost no black faces on TV. He got parts when magazines for blacks were still listing the day and hour of when black actors would appear in shows. He was still poplar…
It was something they persuaded us to do until we realized the water was full of partially-eaten apples, saliva and a bit of snot here and there. Never after third grade.
You eat each color separately. Everybody knows that.
She intimated that she was in grave danger, but made no effort escape...
I guess he really caught it from Trump, because it made him go out and buy cheap, poorly blended orange makeup. Are these people afraid of mirrors?
The more they speak, the more obvious this becomes. It only takes one or two simple, questions to pull the whole mess apart. Then they have no idea what to do but yell.
Has anyone asked Judge Amy about banning in vitro fertilization, because that frequently produces multiple zygotes (or 2-celled people).
So, with those percentages, how did Hillary lose?
“If that feeling of dread gets more people to mail in their ballots...” I believe that many people who are “very American” are just unwilling to stand in line for hours but will cheerfully make an “effort” to drive over to a drop off location. In my neck of the woods we have a drive through drop off manned by…
Did the Blexits get a box lunch?