First Class is to the left. Business and Coach are to the right. Coach walks through Business on the way to their seats. They keep on breathing while they do that.
First Class is to the left. Business and Coach are to the right. Coach walks through Business on the way to their seats. They keep on breathing while they do that.
You left out the butter and peanut butter on those Saltines with honey. Try that. You’re quite welcome.
The are fewer passengers passing by you and breathing in first class. Even if someone coughs they are a little further away. It’s called social distancing.
They were in short supply during World War II. Most shipping of fruit was dedicated to the war effort. My aunts mentioned mock apple pies when I was very young (1945).
I looked it up online. Google.
They will probably claim that this is not from an induced abortion - a miscarriage.
They were doing that in Beverly Hills 55 years ago. It was a way to accost someone (black) and ask for I.D. Back then, stepping off the curb caused traffic to stop; I doubt that happens today.
Yeah, the Sixties was a very different time. And then it was over. The end of the sixties was such an object lesson (assassinations, elections) that the euphoria was wiped out and a dull, crushing monotony ensued.
The pyrex spout is present simply as a challenge on a 5-point scale, degree of difficulty 4.2. “Let’s see you pour the batter into waffle iron without dripping. Go ahead. Try it. Oh, you think you’re going to cheat and use a ladle? We’re ready for you. We’re watching, Mr Smarty!” I’m thinking that maybe sort of…
Would that be strips from something like a flank steak? I’m looking through my cupboard for anchovies right now.
Is there a particular reason we don’t add salt to the pot before cooking? It seems to me that somebody, somewhere did that and it was mildly genius. It could have been 55 years ago and there’s a chance we weren’t sober, too.
You guys are really pretty determined to peddle those heaters. Three times for this ad per page? You don’t think that’s teense pushy? BTW that small electric heater (Agiiman) is still only 1500W, which is the same wattage as the $19 one for sale at Target, Walmart, etc. All the rest of that price is the longer cord…
You guys are really pretty determined to peddle those heaters. Three times for this ad per page? You don’t think…
Thanks for this. I’ve always wondered but didn’t know who (was too bone lazy) to ask. The carb count is surprisingly low 14G but I have no idea what 1/10 of any pie equals. I’m not even sure how you can divide a pie into slices that small. There may well be a law against such tiny servings of anything really good.…
A few years ago we saw images of Trump that reminded us of Mussolini. It was considered just plain rude to make those references. The pictures up on that balcony make the connection even stronger.
“’s safe to say that we can expect outdoor seating numbers to expand in the coming months...” Look around. In most of America, it’s October. If past years are any indication, it’s about to get first cooler, then cold.
Not quite. She gave it to two friends today and the gave it to two friends each today and so on and son on...
Aaaand being gay was considered less than masculine. There’s no real difference except that some people want to use a word which has come to hurt some people and are searching for support.
Go to Walter Reed as an abundance of caution and then use experimental drugs. Ok. I get that. Sure.
I would’ve been fine anyway, just by being who I was.” Nah, I don’t think so.
The sweet, little lady who showed me this insisted that the zest of two lemons be included. Something about Easter celebration and lemons being a treat in the old country.