
Asperger’s. Maybe high-functioning Asperger’s, but the complete lack of empathy kinda shows it for what it is.  

Heinz chili sauce for the win! And it’s also good on sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, as part of salad dressing, meat loaf, etc. Spices thing up without being obnoxious.

People with sesame oil allergies have to check all sorts of baked products, not just brownies. I have found it in crackers, cookies cakes, breads, etc. A friend who has that allergy quizzes me about its presence when she comes for a visit, and I have cleaned my kitchen very carefully because I love the stuff and use

It takes about 7 minutes in the microwave with no stirring. Just have to keep your hands off it and it won’t seize and lump.  Amazing.

Send a copy of those pictures to someone in a non-affected state. Look at the wreckage after last week’s storm and take a guess how many computers survived. Those people don’t have electricity or internet service yet.

I grabbed a jar when I was supposed to be buying the plain chicken version. I thought they had changed the label and I was pleasantly surprised. I use it in a hundred ways (like deviled eggs, chicken salad)just to boost flavor without trying to take over.

I mix this King Arthur recipe right in my non-stick frying pan with a whisk and it’s perfect with a cup of coffee in the afternoon. The chocolate acts as part of the leavening. 40 mins and it’s done. I confess I use 24 Splenda instead of the sugar. You can ice it or just sprinkle on a little powdered sugar, or

They made one small mistake and invited friends over... That’s not a small mistake.  He could have killed his kids or left them without two parents.  It’s a choice made by an adult, but it is not an adult choice.  (Also, it smacks of real arrogance - we were so good for so long, we deserve a break).

Until his buddy who is in charge of the TSA comes up with pictures, it didn’t happen and should be challenged for the fantasy that it is.


We call her fragile because it would be rude to call her a “Tough old bird”.

Viet Village in Ft. Myers? 

Can’t you just leave it on the bedpost overnight? Maybe it will lose its flavor.

I like zucchini-sweet potato pancakes and mosture is a problem there as well as in zucchini bread. I’m wondering if a salad spinner would help... I hate one-trick ponies, but they’re almost handing out zucchini for free right now. Off to the thrift shops for a spinner, unless someone has a better suggestion.

Junior Baby Food. We’re talking about a source of nutrition, not preparing a lovely dinner for guests. Yes, it’s mush, but we give it to kids and they grow, It needs no water, no heating, is fairly carb-y, portable, compact, etc. When the power has been off for two weeks and the stores look like they will never

You’re using the broth, which is practical, but the carrots tops and chicken bones are still inedible after extracting the flavor.

If they called it ‘pumpkin pie spice” instead of “pumpkin spice” a lot of people wouldn’t have been so disappointed. It doesn’t taste like pumpkin... No shit, it’s not supposed to.

What we saw on TV about Iowa was mostly crushed silos and flattened fields - the type of things that are typically covered by insurance. I didn’t see thousands of homeless people. I guess flattened silos were more appealing to the photographers. News says Iowa is in line for $4 billion in aid. Time to pressure

Sold in June.  Aren’t they pretty much decomposed by now?  Even August 3 -that’s 3 weeks ago.  Can we still call it “fresh fruit”?