
As long as you’re not on any blood thinners, because turmeric can boost their effect.

I can still smear these with butter, right? I thought the prime purpose of the pierogi was to carry butter to the mouth and we always used enough butter so that they would pretty much slide down our throats.

We went through all the data entry fields we could think of and then went after machine-calculated things like age of people and age of products, and fixed all the scheduling calendars we could find . On the night of Y2K, we stayed at work past midnight, desperately trying to stay awake and thoroughly annoyed that

This is high among the many good reasons we keep coming here.

They are not the only people who oppose immigration, but that’s been going on since shortly after the Pilgrims... What I cannot grasp is the desire to cause real PAIN on top of making it difficult for immigrants.  It’s actually very Hitlerian.  

“...we can all do better. We must.”...” No, asshole, you can’t spread the blame around. This is all on you, so no deflecting and trying to incorporate your audience by implication. You fucked up and you take the hit. The rest of us are already doing better.  Time for you to wise up and catch up.

He can’t even pretend is was buried inside the item. It’s the fucking cover page and headline, so you didn’t do it by any form of accident.

The neck gaiters trap a lot more than bandannas which are open and swiping around as people move and talk.

You’re starting with cold water, so you don’t have to move the temperature very far to attain your goal. When there’s power failure, the air bags lose their utility almost immediately.

You need a brick when you make gravlax.

It may have been in these pages that I saw someone use the strainer as you recommended and then use the strainer to lower the egg into the simmering water.  

A bag of air doesn’t hold the cold. Also, when you fill and the freeze a bottle of water, you are starting with cool or cold water, so the amount of change needed to get to your goal (frozen) is not very great. Once you’re at the frozen state, that container continues to do its job when you open and close the freezer.

Memories of severe Japanese abuses when they colonized Korea are still fresh in the minds of people who were alive during that era.” And every day, dozens of them in their 80's and 90's wander into a restaurant in Philly with the name Char Kol? That is a special kind of cultural appropriation - where you take on

He’s so suave and debonair (and in power), I’m sure none of those encounters were coercive in any way.

Sorry, but you cannot negotiate with a virus. It just doesn’t care that the mask was off for “just a few moments”.

There is a great deal of discussion about the USPS not delivering mail as promptly as before. It would be well to take this into account when mailing in taxes in the future.

You can help lower the temperature by lifting some of the noodles up like the lead picture, allowing the air to get at them, and them letting them go back into the cup.  Do that a couple of times and it will cool down the soup a bit.

I read elsewhere that Susan Collins was able to include hotels with over 500 employees in the small business largess. 

Happy Birthday. Enjoy the day, and all your days in great good health.

And with a little luck pick up the virus and bring it back to East Jabib where you live.  There’s gotta be a few people in town who haven’t had it yet.  Maybe you can bring back  little souvenir.