
“... seems like a reasonable exception... The virus transfers best on brief exceptions, like when that person in the store suddenly coughs and you had pulled down your mask because if felt stuffy in there. Sadly, we’re dealing with science, not our emotions. They all probably had gel in their cars, but I haven’t

It didn’t matter too much what the plot was about Chevy Chase acted them all in the same way. Goldie Hawn can rolll her eyes like none other, but’s schtick, not acting.  She handled better parts later on and did a good job.  Chase was still 1970's Chase, but when you get older, that behavior isn’t amusing, it’s dumb.

Isn’t that the basis of bolognese?

Sometimes I mix leftover rice in my scrambled eggs. Can you do that with grits?

The mask they describe as the “duckbill” mask may be more comfortable for some people because the fabric doesn’t lay against the nostrils.  I find the regular surgical mask uncomfortable, but i’m ok in the duckbill. Neither is suffocating.

The cruelty is intentional.  Don’t understand why, but it’s obvious.

Even an old Mercedes is a Mercedes and it’s kinda nice to own one. Wouldn’t want to invest heavily in it, and a lot of the work can be done by the right shade-tree mechanic. If it gets to be a habit, (needing attention), then you’d have be well served by getting rid of it.

Goya didn’t have distribution to Cuba when Ted’s grandparents were living there.

My grandmother used to make that. It is one of my fondest memories. She put a huge dollop of sour cream into it and the whole thing turned a kind of pink. I know she included the stems and part of the leaves. Might have used oxtails for the broth. She pronounced it, “bit suup”.  And there was pumpernickel on the

I was taught that white adults were Mr. John or Miss Ellen, and black adults were Uncle James or Aunt Ella, because it was rude for children of either race to address adults/seniors by their first names.

“...size of its landfills and curb the production of methane gas,...” doesn’t this really redistribute any methane produced rather than diminish it?

Raise things about 40% and the lower them “Drastically by 25% and look you dead in the eye and lie. I don’t mind if they think I’m a fool, but I kinda hate it when they call me that to my face. It hurts, y’ know?

A thousand thanks, Dr. E. I wasn’t going to page through it, but I’m so fond of Claire that I figured it wouldn’t kill me. Once in a while I’m embarrassed at myself for complaining about the arduous task of clicking the mouse a dozen times. When Kinja is having a slow-to-respond day, then it becomes tedious and my

Is there a shelter either for battered women or the homeless anywhere nearby?  Fresh fruit is a big treat.

“...I have no experience in the south...” but that certainly hasn’t stopped you from speaking rather authoritatively about it. Your self-confidence is impressive. Also, pretty much everything Americans know about racism we learned from the Britain, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, etc. Exactly who did you think was here

The NBA has announced that while its athletes are living and working at the Walt Disney World Resort this summer, they will have special access to rides and other attractions at the park.”

I enjoyed reading the article. I found it well-written and comfortable about something that spanned most of my lifetime. Megan didn’t go for biting snark and she didn’t show how devastatingly cute she can be. Other articles deserve a bit of bite, but we’ve all bought something at Pier 1 over the years - it’s a bit

Works nicely in a non-stick frying pan. I use 20-24 Splenda instead of the sugar, but otherwise I combine everything right in the pan and shove it in the oven. This is good enough to go with a glass of iced tea.  Don’t cheat on the cocoa powder as it’s part of the leavening.

“...once you remember that cruelty is the point.” in immigration, healthcare, job opportunities, education. This should be part of every article about them.  Cruelty is the point.

It is interesting to see how Pence, the super-Christian eases his way from one lie to another. No abrupt changes, no facial expressions, just the smooth sounds of complete falsehoods aimed basically at harming the American people.  This is when the GOP contempt for the public shows best.  “I can say whatever I want