Y’mean like Waffle House? I thought that all that blending was their method of achieving those rubber omelettes.
Y’mean like Waffle House? I thought that all that blending was their method of achieving those rubber omelettes.
I was dragged to an Olive Garden for somebody’s birthday last October, and they had an electronic menu that you tapped to make an order. This was before the coronavirus, and our smiling, smiling, smiling server wiped the thing down before we touched it.
Arsenic. Huh. If you worry about every little detail, you could make yourself crazy. Fussy, fussy, fussy. You eat a peck of dirt before you die. There’s a special irony in the arrogant shoppers pushing past me who are too good for our excellent local tap water spending all that money, polluting the environment with…
Matt Gaetz thinks that Latinos are non-white?
People performing community service are allowed to go to their homes at night. Not so much with slavery.
Yeah, that’s a hand-fed captive iguana. A whole lotta iguana.
Sunburn hurts. Take two aspirin. It helps a lot more than you’d expect.
Nice. A delivery method for zucchini which the zucchini-haters won’t ever guess. There’s probably a vitamin or two buried in there, too. When they’re practically handing zucchini out at the market this avoids the dreaded, “What? Zucchini again?”
I mix Cheerios with Raisin Bran, but I feel guilty because my mother would have called that, “Playing with your food” and having lived through Depression and WWII, all food things were very serious to her. Bless her heart, I don’t think she ever approached the stove without the butter dish in her hand.
“... but it felt clean, which makes all the difference....” Well, that’s certainly the gold standard. Did you then turn the phone over and clean the other side? Did they indicate why a 3-minute clean was ok and when a 10-minute clean was necessary? On the other hand, if $84 gives you peace of mind, the price is…
“... but it felt clean, which makes all the difference....” Well, that’s certainly the gold standard. Did you then…
“... but it felt clean, which makes all the difference...” Well, that’s certainly the gold standard. Did you then turn it over and clean the other side? Did they give any indication of when a 3-minute clean was satisfactory or when a 10-minute clean was required? On the other hand, if $84 brings you peace of…
“... but it felt clean, which makes all the difference...” Well, that’s certainly the gold standard. Did you then…
If you’re remodeling the bathroom, installing this might be a a lot easier. Otherwise, running a water line to the sink and an electric line to wherever can be daunting. They’re great, but just not easy to install. Installing it without an electrical connection (to warm the water) means you’d be rinsing your behind…
It’s beyond tedious. He kept notes of everything, and mentions the time that certain meetings began, when they had lunch, etc. It’s a monument to self-absorption and his particularly important place in the universe. He must have been very annoying to be around with all that note-taking and his many comments on how…
“Also through in scary antifa and counter protesters, that’s going to keep some 45 supporters away.” 45? It may have even kept 50 people away.
Maybe they need to agree on what “cold” means. Many detergents are essentially inert below 72F. You can hang clothes to dry and then toss them into the dryer at no heat for a few minutes to soften up.
If possible, drive past the intended property at different hours of the day/evening. Stop and open the windows to listen and in some cases smell. Does the motorcycle club meet there? Does someone down the block not put out the garbage on time? Is there a smelly factory a few blocks over - even a pleasant fragrance…
We used to do this with a thrift shop electric frying pan and we put it on top of a cutting board for insulation. The Instant Pot removes that necessity, and I keep the electric cord at my seat because I don’t want anyone to accidentally snag it. IP is also a lot less messy when you add the noodles at the end.
I think that’s what they do at Brummel and Brown.
It’s very low in Florida ($275) because Rick Scott was convinced hordes of unemployed (presumably black) people would go to Florida and live like princes. He made it almost impossible to sign up and left the benefit so low that it’s just barely worth the effort. There was talk of including drug testing because his…
These abstracts are useful, but it would please me enormously if someone were to “publish” the book out in the interwebs. It would have to be a few people, but that would cut into the sales, even if people didn’t read all the way through it. This “security maven” who disbanded a big part of epidemic control has a…