
I’ve never seen any that were buoyant. A kid will slip out of a shoe and then we spend some time feeling around looking for the thing. 

Nothing was said about the quality of his egg yolks. Do you have a method of judging which ones are best?  Is it color? Fat content?  This is the unsurprising outgrowth of people taking pictures of food and assuming that brighter colors mean better flavors. Everybody’s a judge nowadays.

“...two piece ones just get tossed...” So do the other type. I don’t think cutting up something I’m about to eat raw gets a pair of scissors terribly “dirty”. I use them for cutting scallions which are a bit of an afterthought, anyway. On the very first cooking show I watched (PBS, grainy black and white TV, ~1962)

We don’t have to enable the penis-comparison movement between municipalities. Local police do not need tanks. Police working in cities do no need special camo costumes. Do they think they can seriously blend in with bricks while wearing camouflage?

BLS may not have played with the numbers, but it’s possible that some of the people who send numbers to BLS might have recorded things in a more favorable light. 5% is actually a very big number to mis-classify.  As said elsewhere here, the lie travels and the truth lags far behind, hidden.

A good slug of lemon juice works the same way, in case anyone has concerns about lingering aromas. It also helps to eliminate any tiny critters on the berries or fruit.

Everything we know about racism we learned from the Brits. They spread it far and wide through regulations or just behavior. Dark-skinned people were not given “choice” jobs and their communities learned from that experience.

If race is a confirming factor in a employment situation, it’s paternalism. If their board had some black people on it, and the CEO came from that group, it would be a bit less paternal.

€450? That comes to €45 per pizza.  What are they putting on a pizza that it could cost anywhere near that much?

The reporters should have treated it like an innocent mistake and moved the chairs. If it came up in the briefing, they could’ve asked what the intent was, given that there is still an ongoing pandemic.

NO. It’s nowhere near the same. Stop trying to find a way to get away with something you shouldn’t ever want to do.

“...simply bec of something like skin color...” The point is that it’s not supposed to be about skin color. This remark makes it sound like you don’t think there is anyone out there who is qualified and happens to have melanin.  I doubt that’s what you meant, but kinda what you said.

Go to a few garage sales. I picked up one for me and one for a friend at $4 each. They are basic- either off or on, no medium settings like Ms. Fancy Schmancy Claire has.

Bodycams are ineffective because upper administration chooses not to function. The legislatures need to create penalties for failure to supervise and those penalties will have to be paid by the individual, not the union. It won’t happen quickly, but if the supervisors don’t face penalties, then the cops on the street

Agreed. They are tools, not heirlooms.

All they are saying, is give disease a chance.

So very fragile.

It was ok for this to happen, but there was no great need to bring it to our attention.

Children learn about color when a mother pulls her child closer as a black person approaches. Children learn about color when a population is spoken of in general negative terms. Children learn about color when some bigot says something and nobody objects because they don’t want an argument. 

Ginger tea with lemongrass.  Magic.