
And that financial crippling prevents future you from going to your follow up appointments, future you or your family seeking preventative care, future you or your family living in safe conditions, eating healthy food, getting mental health care, retiring and getting eldercare (which ends up passing the financial

Here’s what we do: 1st, give all the homeless rakes. 2nd, relocate them to forests throughout Cali. 3rd, pay them minimum wage to to help prevent forest fires. 2 birds 1 stone. I’m awesome. You’re all welcome.

The original tweet (now deleted) is below. Dipshit copy/pasted a suggestion from someone else. Par for the course for MAGAts: petty, lazy, zero attention to detail and stealing credit for other people’s work.

The dumbest thing is that there’s no incentive to do so. LED Light bulbs are a superior product and it’s in everyone’s best interest to produce more of them.

It’s too bad. Brown seemed to really want to be on the Raiders, but ultimately he just got cold feet.

Definitely the best episode of Hard Knocks.

You know.....I think you just came up with the perfect solution.

The alt-right is the “alt-right” because calling yourself “nazi” or “fascist” is (rightly) placing yourself in bad company. TL;DR: They’re cowards

My gf and i regularly play ‘guess who these tv show characters would vote for in real life’ and i maintain that literally everyone on The Office except for Oscar (maybe) would be full on QAnon/trump supporters. 

Between this and that gawd-awful Benghazi movie, is Jim from the Office hiding some extremely regrettable politics?

So it’s Captain Murphy?

The howling carnivorous mouse is a metaphor. The howling carnivorous mouse is Megan Greenwell.

Can’t we just put them into Debtor’s prisons and put them back into Wal-Mart and Amazon on work release programs? Just cut out all the middlemen and predatory apps.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever even heard the term, other than I know it’s there.”

Sticking to sports in the stickiest way possible.

Wait, is he approaching it from the angle that Iran tricked the president with their own photo?

You’re scared of girls and brown people and you deserve to be laughed at until you die.

Miss Ingraham, I served with Stannis Baratheon, I knew Stannis Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon was a friend of mine.