
I get so used to my Kings fucking everything up, I don’t know how to feel when they do something right, especially something like this. Something I really, really want them to get right. I keep on waiting for this fairly sensitive, empathetic moment to be followed by a press release stating that they intended to trade

the PA announcer invited the fans who were already in the arena to come down to the seats in front and have “a non-alcoholic beverage and a snack, courtesy of the Sacramento Kings.”

This is, without question, the greatest moment I have ever had as a UB alumnus.

...wait, Arizona lost to UB? HOLY SHIT, THAT MAKES IT EVEN BETTER!

And then he went on to say, “Buenas tardes” to Rep. Grijalva, “Ciao ciao” to Rep. Napolitano, “Woof!” to Rep. Labrador, “’sup?” to Rep McEachin, “Auf Wiedersehen” to Rep. Radewagen, and just shrugged in Rep. Gohmert’s direction.

Ha. That’s not happening. Your wife is gone for good.

Morning brain. It took me a whole minute of looking at this comment to figure out the problem.

Of course they’ll sign anyone. I mean, if there had been some unsigned protestor who was a somewhat similar QB, stylistically speaking, do you honestly believe the Texans wouldn’t have snapped him up when Deshaun Watson went down, and would’ve instead opted to let a somewhat promising season go down the tubes? Well


Memphis basketball coach Tubby Smith, who quit his job at Texas Tech to take his current position in 2016

Me? Long-winded? Never!

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

I live in Boston (I know, sorry), and I sometimes ask myself, “why not get more into the Celtics?” Then I have to remind myself that I pledged myself to my hometown Pistons during the Bad Boys era. That’s how irrelevant the Pistons are to me at this point. I actively forget that I’m a fan.

I’d rather have the flight delayed, and then canceled, and then the pilot quits, and then the airline goes out of business, and then the airport shuts down, and then all flights are grounded, and then humans lose the knowledge necessary for mechanical flight, than be on a barf plane.

That’s how my last relationship ended.


GRRM has no motivation to finish the book and just is going to live the high life until he dies and can pass his book outline to Brandon Sanderson or someone like that to finish. Pretty baller move if you ask me.

This is the big break calzones have been looking for!

dishonesty is the best policy. unless you’re caught. then honestyabout dishonesty is the best policy. if you can be honest about being dishonest then honestly you’re right back where you started.

Maybe it has stuff about cars in it.