
My cat used to do this, until I tried splitting her morning meal in two, and putting down half before bed, with a goal of her not being so hungry in the morning. She gets the same amount, just in two feedings. So half the kibble at bed time and then the other half in the morning. It made her much less persistent in

Answering the question seriously, it depends on the child. As a parent of said child, you'll know if you've got that kid that is more mature and the kid who isn't.

"Leaving the kid alone in a car is against the law for a reason."

What pisses me off is the person who reported her.

If we're going to go there with leaving kids in cars, then I think it is vastly more important to write a story about "don't do it, don't do it, don't do it" with even owning a gun if you are the parent of a child. An average of 37 children per year die left in cars. Over 3,000 children per year die because of a

You got that idea from a Heart video, didn't you?

oh god and then the reruns would air on the cable channel BRAAVO.

Jackie Collins and VC Andrews for me!

Best reason ever! #teamcheese

I'm a big believer in the fact that every great wedding needs a minor disaster or two. Gives all the people who don't know each other that well something to talk about. "Oh hey, you're joe's aunt? I'm his coworker. Good cake huh? And what about that pair of total randos making out at the bar? Who the heck let THEM

The reason for the change was because a lot of the audience was beginning to root for the guy who pushed a kid out of a window.

I'm copy-pasting this comment from the io9 thread which said pretty much what I wanted to say:

See, the thing is, I don't know these kind of assholes. I do, however, know the kind of assholes who post FB statuses like, "I love sitting back and watching the internet collectively lose its mind! #gameofthrones" less than an hour after the episode airs. Or goddamn book readers who can't shut up about how much

I'm old enough to remember the days when it was almost impossible to get spoiled for something. God, when I saw Empire Strikes Back and the whole "Luke, I am your father" scene happened, everybody in the theater lost their fucking MINDS. Now the screenplay would have leaked online a week before release date, and

I was so giddy last night!

Despite knowing it was coming, it was still beyond glorious. Beyond glorious.

Ah, yes. Let me explain.

The joke is that the professor has an unofficial classroom policy that students who receive calls during his class are supposed to answer on speaker phone. This student set up a prank with a friend during which she'd be called with the friend posing as a pregnancy resource center, announcing

At least you know the plastic from his sixer isn't going to affect any wild life in the Cuyahoga.

Or as they say in Boston "Trader!".