The Cubs won the World Series. That’s how.
The Cubs won the World Series. That’s how.
Peter Sagal is a very engaging and smart host, so I’m not surprised at all that he was picked for the podcast. And he was free, having just finished Nerdette’s Game of Thrones podcast.
I have been thinking the same thing since the opening credits have shown the crypts. Yikes.
I’m a Statehouse reporter in Ohio, which has been a purple state but I fear has turned irretrievably red. We have some real interesting folks in the legislature, which has big Republican majorities in both chambers, most of them getting to this level after being elected to local government. The other way they get here…
He and his friend John Kasich are both that way. The difference is that Hickenlooper might actually be funny occasionally while Kasich just thinks he is.
Didn’t realize I’d responded to you twice - sorry!
This may sound sarcastic, but seriously - thanks for paying attention and knowing who sponsored the bill this time around (now that Gun-Totin’ Christina Hagan is out because of term limits and couldn’t sponsor it AGAIN). It’s refreshing as a Statehouse reporter to know that there are people who can actually identify…
Actually, the law that defunded Planned Parenthood was passed in 2016. It’s been on hold because of court battles since then. An appeals court ruled on it this week.
Reporter in Ohio here. This bill has been proposed five times since 2013, and two times this thing has gotten all the way to everyone’s favorite “moderate” Republican John Kasich, who vetoed it (who closed clinics and signed a whole bunch of other restrictive abortion bills, but did at least stop this bill twice).…
Actually, the law defunding Planned Parenthood was passed in 2016. The stsate hasn’t given a dime to PP in two years, and “Mr. Moderate” John Kasich was a lead player on that, saying clearly in the first GOP presidential debate in 2015 that the way to stop abortion rights is to stop funding PP. But the court battle…
Funds raised for college athletes can only cover actual expenses - athletes can’t profit or they lose their eligibility.
Stupid baby-themed games designed to “break the ice” and pass the time till food/presents. Sometimes there are prizes. At my shower my friends painted white onesies with fabric paint, which was cute.
But there are other awful ones - like “guess Mom’s circumference” and someone measures the woman with a tape measure in…
I work and my husband doesn’t. He does a lot, but there’s so much I don’t want to miss in terms of games, concerts, school stuff, etc. And I firmly subscribe to the theory that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself, so I know I don’t delegate well.
Speaking as a domestic violence survivor and a reporter - it’s a hugely important issue, but newsroom resources are scarce and staffing levels are getting smaller. Smart groups that really want media coverage learn the best dates and times to get reporters to their events, and will cancel and reschedule when big…
This was exactly the case in Ohio. The top ten counties for per-capita overdose deaths all voted R in 2016. The leading county on that list is Montgomery County - home to Dayton, Ohio’s opioid overdose capital. And that county hadn’t voted for an R since 1988.
Actually, her name is Janet Folger Porter, former head of Ohio Right to Life, and she is the freakshow responsible for bringing forth the loathsome “Heartbeat Bill”. She’s well-known here in Ohio as a complete lunatic who speaks in batshit soundbites. And she has split the “pro-life” movement into two camps - the…
As a political reporter in Ohio, I dearly hope this happens.
OMG both of these. I’m an editor and I think my staff is trying to drive me over the edge.