
Note: Not all Jezebel staff members approve this message

I love John Irving. That book is so weird and difficult to explain but I love it.

I mean, how can you not fuck the shit out of Jamie Lannister? No matter the circumstance or relation? Impossible, I say.

Secretly, 33% of the Earth's population hails from Cleveland.

"For God's sakes, Lemon. We'd all like to flee to the Cleve and club-hop down at the Flats and have lunch with Little Richard, but we fight those urges because we have responsibilities."

It looks like a perfect bemused face to me.

I always tell my students: if you can find it on the internet, SO CAN I.

"My name is Ms. Stewart, not Ms. Dodai."

Well, he can always move to Kentucky and run for the US Senate someday.

Yeah but it's based on the Bill O'Reilly book. So, you know. GRAIN OF SALT FOLLOWED BY LOTS OF TEQUILA.

Running on a track at first helped me, too. Running sucks, so whatever makes it less terrible is good!

Honestly, try slowing down. It helped me push past 5k and I was never a runner until my mid 20s. For me, slowing down allowed me to run longer time wise (which I did on a treadmill, not outside, for speed gaging purposes) and then I'd have a day or two outside with my normal speed. Maybe that will help? I also need to

Hey! Starting running is hard. One of the things that really helped me get into it was an app called Zombies, Run!, where you get a story as you're running/walking/jogging. It really helped keep me motivated and I'd exercise for longer just so I could hear the end of a chapter :)

What I did to get over the hump is just walk when I needed to. Sounds like a cop out. but force yourself to go just a little further each day w/out walking, walk for maybe 5 minutes, then run/walk the rest of the way as it feels right. It helps to avoid any intense pain while slowly building up endurance. Example, I

Good for you! I love your version of marriage, too.

I'm so sorry you didn't get the support you needed from your counselor! I'm glad to hear that the abuse is in your past now, along with your ex. I agree that there is a lot of magical thinking about the impact of getting married on a relationship. To use a religious story as a parallel, it reminds me of what our

There really is a gap in their advertising campaign: #clearblueconfirmed NOT PREGNANT #ohthankgod #i'lldrinktothat

This was one of the most poorly written essays Jezebel has ever published. Editing, please!!

I say it's time to define, not for the first time, where a comma goes.

It's the NSA watcher pixel. Now keep reading and just move along quietly.