Should've given a gift basket.
Should've given a gift basket.
And nobody in a pregnancy test commercial says "positive? FUCK NO FUCK FUCK NONONONOOOOOOO!" like IRL.
Milk is so gross I can't believe people drink that.
Hated Bridesmaids. There was very little funny in it at all. I felt like everyone was just mean, shallow and self absorbed without being funny.
I know a couple who won't tell their kid "no". As a matter of fact I told him "no" once and the father said "we don't use that word with him". I'm fairly certain they're raising one of next generation's foremost rapists. Awful.
As a parent, I don't understand how parents of asshole kids stand it. I mean, furthering polite society and learning to be a reasonable person is all well and good, but if I'm being honest, my primary motivation for teaching my kids not to be assholes is because I have to live with them.
Because when you get married, you want to tell everyone you just got married.
Paul Ryan. PLEASE say that it's Paul Ryan. Jesus, if you're there, I promise I'll strongly consider believing in you if you make it be Paul Ryan.
I was there! Some women had been waiting since 1 pm to testify and didn't get the opportunity. They seemed to be hearing people in alphabetical order not by first come, first serve. (Except for the people FOR the bill they let them go at the beginning)
THIS is how citizens are supposed to participate. I see so many people blaming the government for all the other overstepping but what they fail to realize is that the citizens have a civic responsibility to actively participate in government.
They only care about children that are in the uterus and children that are being raised by The Homos. It's in the fucking Bible. Seriously like get educated.
They can think it's a tragedy all they want. They can set up tiny fetus memorials and hold weeping candlelight vigils if that does something for them. But when they actively try to deny a woman the rights over how her own body parts are used, they are treating women as lesser beings. I think it's a fucking tragedy…
Allow me to translate abuser-speak:
People are very hesitant to step into other couples' messes, even if it looks abusive, because they often feel it's "not their place". It's quite sad.
Don't forget Randyll Tarly (If you've read the books). Robert Baratheon isn't exactly World's Greatest Dad either, since apparently he's partly to blame for how Joffrey turned out. But the worse has to be Craster. Definitely Craster.
Yup. People think it only happens to poor/disenfranchised women, or young women. But I was a prosecutor, actively handling domestic violence cases, and meanwhile my husband was abusive at home. I knew what was going on, but I felt so ashamed, and so scared to leave, so worthless. And I always thought that he'd change.…
Here's the issue:
What is it with these letters? They are all written in the style of, I'm going to start out really slow and sweet and then I'M JUST GOING TO TAKE UP 300 NOTCHES AND FUCK SHIT BITCH ASSHOLE WHORE SLUT COCKGOBBLER and then I'm going to bring it back down because we're still cool and you understand that I'm bat shit, so…