I thought this was a pretty cool story about Willie Nelson (PBUH) taking Charly Pride around in the 60's to play in redneck bars “Behind the Pine Curtain” in deeply segregated East Texas.
I thought this was a pretty cool story about Willie Nelson (PBUH) taking Charly Pride around in the 60's to play in redneck bars “Behind the Pine Curtain” in deeply segregated East Texas.
I’d truly love it if Beyonce would stop wearing the same dress with different embellishments to every event. Her and JLo just never fail to repeat the same look/style over and over again.
I don’t know. And I’m sure she doesn’t either. Those are the perks of power - having someone on staff who has to deal with Comcast or whatever.
Could she look more adorable?
Okay so Trump was right, she’s a witch or something.
The last time the Cubs won, women couldn’t vote. With this win, we will have a woman President (please god even though I don’t believe in you I’ll actually go back to church even if the walls start weeping blood as soon as I cross the threshold).
Listen, I’m going to take this as a sign that a long-cursed entity can defeat a racist mascot — and that it can happen twice in one week. Go Hubbies!
I forgot what a big deal it was for the Chicks to slag W. back in the day, just how huge and hysterical the backlash was. Ironic, since this is the same crowd who currently lament how political correctness is ruining free speech and society.
“Boy, rarely have I recalled a story that is so wildly plausible and implausible simultaneously.”
Boy, rarely have I recalled a story that is so wildly plausible and implausible simultaneously.
The ultimate proof the Disney movie worked is that Beast looked weirder as a human at the end of the film than as a beast during the film. I imagine that will not be the same for this film.
I have been struggling to understand why the fuck this movie is being made in the first place. Disney seems to be so out of ideas that they’re just going to take all of their properties and regurgitate them into a new format.
I just feel like the Beast should look better than that in the year 2016?
sure, fine, but alcoholism is also very real, and if someone drives drunk and crashes his car into 320 million people, I’m going to feel sorrier for the people he crashed into than the driver.
I never planned to watch his documentary (my second-hand embarrassment sensors are finely-tuned machines) but finally did in a fit of fury after the email thing last week. And damn. I’d have to say from what it showed, the guy is incapable of self-control or self-preservation, so this seems like a good move. In no way…
Vice News interviewed a couple steel workers from PA yesterday, and one guy was like “I voted Bernie, now I’m voting Trump” and I almost had to buy a new fucking TV.
How the FUCK do you think he’s going to bring the steel industry back to PA when China has NO envir. regs and pays their people jackshit?
The guy even BUYS…
oh my god, im in the same boat. like, i don’t even like jokes about trump. meanwhile i dressed as sarah palin on halloween in 2008.
I will admit it. I have been saying since the beginning that there is no way he will actually be elected. He’s a joke.