
The only traffic jams happen if there’s a blizzard. It took my husband 5 hours to get home (downtown to WDM) a couple years ago because of an oddly timed blizzard.

Omaha’s zoo is way better. I’ve been to both, and SD’s is so crowded and overpriced. Omaha has all the same stuff with half the crowd, and it costs $11 to get in.

Sam’s interview is sooooo good though. He is definitely too “freaky deaky” to be Prez.

It’s probably unaffordable for a lot of POC (having a higher rate of poverty). These places are really expensive, like thousands of dollars a month expensive.

Check if your local library has online audiobook checkout. Davina Porter is the narrator and does every voice and accent flawlessly. Very entertaining!

Cedar Rapids is gross, and it smells bad, and the layout is awful. Des Moines is where it’s at!

But like, why not “Global”?

ATTENTION EVERYONE: Walmart has a serviceable alternative to this one that is currently $20. Comes in a bunch of colors. Very flattering; the straps are wide enough to cover that weird armpit/boob fat. I have two! There’s also a two piece version.


I would read an article about your knowledge! I’m endlessly fascinated by tv/movie wigs.

I was waiting for the “who do I want to come home to” scene to turn into a bottle of wine turning around with two glasses of itself. Seemed like a better option than two dummies and a ghost.

If you guys are looking for excellent quality and cute fabrics, I very much love Boden. It’s so British and lovely, and I want to buy everything.

I hate that dogs are such bad guys in Winterfell. :( Lil pups.

Barely. Willis is still a teen then. And Ned was like 40 when he died.

I think the Tyrion+dragons stuff was just to reestablish that he reads a lot; ergo, he will be chief dragonlore expositioner, especially when we get to Oldtown stuff.

Why don’t anti-choice people come after stuff like this?