
Okay so my favorite eyeshadow of all time is MAC Rose pigment. But it’s a bit dramatic for everyday. Luckily I found the perfect substitute in Sleek Rose Gold blush! I’m all over that shit. Anyone else obsessed with this color? I wanna rub it all over my faaaace.

This dress is amazing!

It’s very updated Marisa Tomei.

Yup. If I don’t get a free trip, I don’t give a shit.

People with the most basic of cable trying to drift off to sleep?

I feel like I know everything about the Jacobite Risings from the Outlander series and am learning a lot about the American Revolution. So much good research!

That’s after police dismantled it. Anything would look dangerous torn into circuitry.

No way, you know gold plate is infinitely classier, you loser.

It’s insane to me that preschool teachers and child care providers are routinely paid like $8/hour. Even when they have certifications!

But what if it’s in a bowl on the table and you’re feeling peckish? You’re just going to NOT eat it?

I call him Chancho (I think after the chubby sweatpants kid in Nacho Libre), and he calls me Little Miss You.

He can take my yoga pants out of my cold, dead hands!

I saw my dad take a massive bite out of some strong bleu cheese like it was nothing. So traumatizing. (This is a man who puts ketchup on mac and cheese and eggs and sugar on cottage cheese. The worst taste.)

The Paradise (on Netflix) is really great for costume porn. It’s about a ladies’ department store so...

I was worried clicking on this, but it’s totally harmless, and the Legally Blonde video is super cute. GO HAWKS.

I think people who say this just want to dress like they live in another era. I know I do. But that’s what ren faires and Halloween are for. Also, history/costume porn: http://twonerdyhistorygirls.blogspot.com/

Fur real. Flares are awesome because they look like a straight leg jean on my thick-ass legs.