
I <3 this Goodwill! They have the homegoods organized by color. It’s everything a Good will should be.

I’m not surprised it’s NVC. She’s always so defensive when her shitty, insensitive articles get called out.

Have you tried Sweet & Spicy Chili Doritos (the purple ones)? They are HEAVEN.

Working at a movie theatre really made me appreciate how shitty children can be. They will repeat the cringiest lines from the dullest kid movie and cackle over and over and over for weeks.

But wait, there’s more!

Or retiring to their yurts to freebleed or something.

Always Infinity 4 liiiiife.

I <3 her dress. She’s so goddamn cool.

Join me on /r/MinionHate because fuck minions.

It’s not just you. Maybe people should include their hair types? I am awful at hair unless I’m using a waver to fuck my shit up. I cannot braid for the life of me because my hair is fine, stick straight, and slippery.

That is my type as well. His interview with John Oliver was swoonworthy. So smart and cute and funny!

/r/ShitRedditSays is legit as fuck. Great circlequeef. For actual feminist thought, see /r/SRSFeminism.

Oh man, we let a water softener guy come to our house in exchange for a Home Depot gift card, and, in addition to looking exactly like the uncle from Napoleon Dynamite, he would not stop talking about toxins and the evils of P&G. It was nightmarish.

so ur dad is gene belcher?

FUCK YES. One of my best friends is getting married to her fiancee tomorrow, and I’m making their wedding cake. SO EXCITED FOR THEM. What a gift!

Not a celebrity, but a pretty good doppelganger for my Lulu...

I hope you’re into mesothelioma, lol.

Joke’s on you guys. I eschewed the wedding ring (jewelry phobia) and got fat instead. 100% decrease in harrassment!

Soapboxes for feet! I LOVE IT. (And I’m the same way, especially about abortion.)

Best book I read in the past year (and I’ve read a LOT): The Rook by Daniel O’Malley. Urban fantasy/mystery with that dry English wit. Great worldbuilding. Bizarre and absolutely unputdownable.