
I love CiCi's but only for their super salty "alfredo" sauce and crazy noodles.

Yes to hooks and rods. As many incentives as possible for your guest NOT to leave their wet towel on their bedroom floor.

Things I've gleaned from this:

Arya + the Hound 4eva!

There was a couple that frequented the fast food restaurants around town. They were a little off. They came into my Subway with two garbage bags full of plush cats, arranged them on their tables (multiple tables shoved together to accommodate all the cats), and ordered a sandwich. They insisted that it was one of the

I know you guys aren't necessarily keen on reddit, but one subreddit will occupy your time forever: /r/babyelephantgifs. Go there.

I really enjoyed Aidy's talky bit with conservative mom. All the best phrases, none of the terrible music.

Nasim is leaving because she is filming a tv show with John Mulaney.

We did stemless wine glasses with our tree logo as well! We served drinks in them at the wedding and told people to take them home. Somehow we ended up with like 3 dozen for ourselves, but they're cocktail glasses for our parties now.

Carmike has had Stimulus Tuesdays for a few years now. It's great! Discounted movie tickets and candy and $2 small popcorns and drinks. And their reusable popcorn bucket program is $3.75 per refill.

Iowa kicks ass. We'll love to have you! The only shitty stuff recently (regarding abortion) is the Board of Medicine trying to ban telemedicine medical abortion. Dicks.

A+ analogy.

Veronica Mars! Snarky teen detective, gripping mystery. It's on Amazon Prime. Then you can watch the new movie too!

I read a good argument about this yesterday on reddit:

I would like to butt in here with praise for the Pizzazz. It's awesome for recrunchifying leftovers. And also pizza.

I'm pretty sure that's Scattegories paper.

Thank you for dispelling that. Also, it's that misconception that gives creepy MRA types fuel for their "if she's had her period, it's natural for me to be attracted to her. You're the weird one!" argument.

Let's go with a Louise Belcher quote:

I agree. Pie is not a frosting delivery food item; therefore, pie < cake.