
I am a total sucker for this look. I have way too many polka dots and full skirts in my wardrobe.

God has a personalized beauty plan just for me? Do you think he can help me pick a new BB cream? A better shade of concealer? Get on it, God!

They probably won't take them up so as to avoid a broader ruling. Either way, the floodgates are open! #loveyourhashtag

Ooo! She looks so sci-fi and dangerous. Make me a show about this dress!

There's a brilliant one of Amber on America's Next Top Model as well. I believe it's a Lindsay Lohan episode.

Everyone can hate, but I've got a few pairs of Crocs ballet flats that are the cutest. Perfect toe shape, waterproof, and comfortable. No one ever believes they are Crocs when I tell them. I wearing these babies right now.

I used to adore that movie. It made me think, as a 4 year old, yeah, I could totally drive a car!

Matt Bors is a national treasure.

Semi-related: I'm planning a historical road trip from Nashville to Savannah sometime this year. Does anyone know of any historical sites (Civil War, Revolutionary War, etc.) that aren't run by revisionist dickheads? I love history and also haunted places. Any recommendations?

I always had a thing for Eric Idle. But it's so hard to choose! I'd say it goes Idle, Palin, Chapman, Cleese, then the Terrys.

I love the made-up narratives they give the puppies, too!

I personally enjoy falling asleep to Forensic Files or other dry murder investigation/detective interviews.

And he loooooves animals, which is the best quality.

My sister does, but she sucks. I guess he's the favorite of shitty people everywhere.

Don't click it. It's the worst. It's a subreddit full of whiny misogynists who blame women for being the gatekeepers of sex and wanting to trick men into buying them things. They talk about women like dogs.

Omg were you that awesome redditor shitting all over that sad, fake father's rights MRA story yesterday? Because if so, I love you.

I would see that!

Totally serious: Deep frying is the best preparation method for pizza rolls. They taste like perfection!

Give B99 a watch or two. It's surprisingly funny and not just a vehicle for Andy Samburg's goofiness.

Practical heel advice: It is heel-toe. Make an effort to stand up straight and avoid leaning forward. This will cause you to shuffle around on the balls of your feet and squish your toes to death. You may need to take really small steps at first to stand up straight against the height of the heel.