
YES. I have the two round cake pans and two loaf pans. While the loaf pans are a bit smaller than my old metal ones, my banana bread no longer burns on the outside while staying jiggly on the inside. Cooking is so even now!

Shipping - (from relationship, origins: fanfiction) rooting for as a romantic pairing

Semi-related, but I always get sad when I see pictures of celebrities in store bought costumes. If I was famous/had oodles of money, I would spend a boatload on custom costumes.

Most important information gleaned from this: Miley has seen/loves the best episode of Honey Boo Boo. Shh! It's a Wig!

Good luck in there, you brave soul.

I do love Inglot. I've built two five-square palettes and have one blush of theirs. Great pigments.

I hate Wes Anderson movies. So over-the-top QUIRKY.

No, I'm notoriously dense and always surprised by twists. Lol.

For some reason I just wanted her to make out with Huck and fix his murdering ways or become the best team of assassins ever, but I think I've been watching too much tv.

John Mulaney's stand-up about the hierarchy of tabloid characters addresses this hilariously.

My sewing machine has picture instructions on it so I never forget how to wind a bobbin or thread the thing. It's a godsend!

I'm not a dude, and I was being completely genuine. :(

I hate space, and I thought it was AMAZING. All the thrills and silence and visuals in all the right places. And the dog part got me good. It was so fulfilling to watch Dr. Stone persevere and complete her journey.

Hello, SRSter! Love seeing y'all in the wild. And yes, what an ignorant arsehole.

Her stylist needs to CTFD with this backcombing nonsense.

Some of these are pretty great!

Her "stop putting things in your butts" doctor in the cold open was killing me!

That's totally awesome. Watching the same shows is really convenient. Although, my husband gets mad if I watch an episode of ANTM or Dance Academy without him.

Sorry, FLOTUS, but your contour is crazy. Tell your MUA to blend that shit!