
And I thought I couldn't love Channing Tatum any more! He seems to be an all around great person.

Rihanna + Voldemort 4EVA.

If I recall correctly, I believe Nazgul just means ringwraith in the language of Mordor. I think the dragonlike things are fellbeasts. Awesome imagery though.

Mmm. So breathable.

Gossip Crone! Lindy, you slay me.

Holy shit. Did someone says this?!

Are they really saying metrosexuals in 2013? That's not even a thing anymore. Dudes are allowed to dress well now.

Kosmimophobe. Can't touch jewelry or I will freak the fuck out.

For this argument to hold water, wouldn't these dudes have to admit that humans are animals (that we came from animals a.k.a. evolution is for reals)?

A bar in Iowa City has a moose head with a collection of panties on the antlers. So there's that.

Chimidonga? Chalupenis? Fajita wang? Who knows.

One of my elderly (post-60) coworkers at my first job after college PRINTED EVERY SINGLE EMAIL SHE RECEIVED.

On an unrelated note, why the fuck doesn't H&M have online shopping? Especially when I would have to drive 3 hours to get to the nearest store. The midwest is an H&M-less wasteland. :(

I love the way you write! I don't even paint my nails, but I read this whole article.

Also that type of halter/squareneck is flattering on goddamn everyone!

And I support that.

It sounds like 1940s furries.

I wish I could find that lovely album by an AMAZING tattoo artist that was doing these for breast cancer survivors. They were truly artistic.

...is that Jack Harkness and Crowley? What are they in together?

Hahah! I love you. I learned HTML for my Hogwarts Extreme RPG profile page.