
And it makes me smile every time I see someone using one as a mount in Neverwinter.

The Apparatus of Kwalish still rules 30+ years later

please, please, please, please, please

"I'm here to talk to you about the Monster Mash Initiative."

Oh, come on now. Joss doesn't kill everyone off. Willow is still around somewhere.

"This just in: George RR Martin signed on to helm Phase 4. There were no survivors."

that would be ballerrrrr

If it was socially acceptable, I'd wear robes all the time.

Three dimensions. The Moon's orbit is tilted with respect to the Earth's by about 5 degrees. Hang a light bulb in a dark room. You be the Earth and use a ball as the Moon, following such a tilted orbit. You should be able to see how the sunlight can sometimes miss the Earth and hit the Moon.

My deep and varied knowledge, gained with painstakingly playing Ocarina of Time, tells me any building efforts will make it wither much more, unless we kill the eletric jellyfish parasite in the guts. On the other hand, entry is usually easy and appropriate for the unloading of great volumes of material after the


AND climate change is a lie from the pits of hell. I'm not a scientist!

Harvey Dent is a peer of Bruce Wayne, not old enough to be his father. This is one of the few things I dislike about this show. The Scarecrow is the other. I don't think the Scarecrow is the same age as Bruce. He's a professor when Batman first starts which probably means he's older than Bruce.

Having never played any of the ME games aside from the ME3 demo, I am one of those who would be interested in a new trilogy compilation. I originally bought ME3 but didn't want to play it before 1 and 2. And then I returned it once they announced the Trilogy release.

By mass yes, but you can fight close to three Jupiters between the Earth and Moon.

This single serving site gives a good idea of the relative sizes of the earth and moon and of just how far it is from the earth to the moon. Middle click to be able to scroll down (I'd go fairly slowly).

That's easy enough to disprove. The diameter of Jupiter is 86,881 miles (google it). The distance from the Earth to the moon is 238,900 miles (also google it). You can take the diameters of all of the planets (not dwarf planets) and fit them edge to edge within the distance from the earth to the moon.

He read it on this very website. Or at least I did.

What he's referring to is that the sum of the diameters of all the planets doesn't exceed the average distance between the earth and moon.