
"So either they've seen the first few episodes and liked what they sawor they're taking a big, big chance. Let's hope it's the latter."

Exactly, we already know what happened in the past, what is really interesting is what is going to be happening in the future. Think about every advancement in technology that has happened in the past 100 years? What will the next 100 bring? Since you already took 100 years, set mine for the year 2200.

Man, as soon as I read the question I formulated that exact answer. It's good to know I am not the only hopeless optimist.

A Space Shuttle.

Completely useless for any practical purpose, but I really get a kick out of imagining the look on the face of the archaeologist who finally digs it up.

I'm sure that in 1985 plutonium is available in every corner drug store, but in 2014 it's a little hard to come by.

Are people at io9 trying to make us feel better about living in the world we do today? If so, thanks! After all the news in the past days it's needed.

I'm 34 and my body still doesn't want me to wake up early. I have the hardest time going to sleep before midnight, even when I try to.

*backhands KarmaKamikaze across the face with a squealing baby

I would watch the shit out of that, bro. I'm telling you bro, it would be awesome, bro.

Starcraft 2. People are already throwing Warcraft into it. I think that is where you'll ever get that fix...

You heard about Pluto? That's messed up, right?

This is the game that made me stop after using the white phosphorus and ask myself WTF have I done now? I restarted the checkpoint and tried not to use it but the blasted game forces you to use it! Damn you Yeager! And the last push on the tallest skyscraper in Dubai is as insane as the main character of the game is!

Spec Ops: the line deserves to be remembered as a classic. Such a powerful game.

I'm going to expand on both of your responses. First, Specs Ops really made me question stuff - and I don't really want to go much further into it in case people haven't played it, but the interactions and choices with your squadmates is just downright despicable at times.

Haunter is the correct answer.

Oh I didn't read that beyond the headline, just assumed it was about them shitting on a beloved franchise.

"I think they're hugging!"

Kinda hope it does.

Let me give you an example - I joined a Facebook group for gifting (you can offer things you don't need and get things other people don't need). When multiple people wanted something, you had to draw a winner from all people - and people were using pieces of paper and hats, then making photos of the piece of paper

Create a simple web-site with some useful non-trivial functionality, using a reasonable choice of languages. You then have something real to show and talk through and you would have gained real experience in creating it.