A scrap collection?
A scrap collection?
I've perfected the "Wait until they have me get up and spit to say a few words, then lay back down and quietly agonize over their nonstop chatter."
A classic for the ages.
My favorite part about that downloadable multiplayer Four Swords thing on the DS was the levels in the style of old games. When I saw one of them was Link's Awakening, I let out a joyous noise. Squee like. I love Awakening.
Even in that lovely East Coast things can be rough. I am in a section of Boston that gives me terrible offerings. Comcast's general offerings, Verizon's lowest tier offering, or satellite internet.
There is some hope there, but I am a pessimist. I've met all of one person who has heard of the books (in person, at least). It seemed pretty niche.
I was super excited for Otherland. It's a shame to find out it's not likely to come out on a post like this : (
You did, and I apologize for completely missing that falling into a rant here.I want y'to know I never was judging you for the stuff, always the source.
Bonus: Don't assume your partner, either gender, will automatically conform to these ways of conversing. Better, don't assume these suggestions are for only men or only women. No one should throw advice around all the time, everyone could do with a little prodding on how they want to be responded to.
I just bought Infinite on Steam. Oh well, guess I have it on PS3 as well. Not complaining, thanks Sony!
I am in a minority, but. I kind'a liked Evolution. It wasn't a good movie, and it was terrible as a Dragonball adaptation, but it was fun martial arts BS.
I've heard "experiences are better than things" but I never really felt it. Experiences are nice, but I forget them with time. When I take pictures to remember them, they end up sitting, unbrowsed. Nobody wants to see your vacation pictures, and I feel lonely and sad looking back at them by myself. Not to mention that…
Kanji is the best. I still stand by he's flaming bi, but he's totally into dudes. And just likes cute things.
No excuse! Go down there and face super hot super excited Kanji like THE MAN YOU ARE! EVEN IF YOU AREN'T A MAN!
Song wasn't originally made for the game, but oh man this tune. Creepy, particularly in context.
Cool, never heard'a this guy. Thanks :D
What? Funcom has not closed a single MMO. Anarchy Online: quiet, but going, and with a major overhaul on the horizon. Age of Conan: More active, had an expansion/big patch last year I think? The Secret World: Still going strong with updates every few months.
I'd love to see international Fallout, but being a Boston native, I am giddy for this one. Sorry, international can wait for Fallout 5 in my book