
You're totally right about gaming with friends, though. That's why most of my gaming is MMOs these days.

If you're updating your hardware more than once every three to five years or so, you're going overkill. Or you care more about graphics than I do, which is totally within your rights as a fan of gaming.

I get that, but there is only so much piggy backing on other people I imagine you can do in the apocalypse. People complaing about the shoes, but that skirt will really restrict movement as well, so you're running awkwardly for TWO reasons when one of the fools falls trying to keep your ass alive.

Nothing about what Daphne is wearing tells me she is a survivor.

I got into IT because, as a huge nerd with little interest in other (feasible, I always wanted to be an astronaut, up through high school. Just can't.) pursuits, I figured it just made sense. And then I wound up loving it instead of just tolerating it, so hey!

Other commenters are saying the ps4 requires PS+ to get online. They'll have to pick one. Or PC. Good god, please not PC, it's bad enough already.

I doubt it will. $40 a year isn't much. A christmas gift for the kiddies.

I don't know if anyone wanted to handle that.

I apologize, worded improperly, or didn't complete my thought or what have you. I didn't mean to imply you were the person saying it, meant more to imply you were saying Nintendo didn't think they could.

It's worth giving a shot. As much as the nostalgic inside me says "try to get an old gameboy!" You'd probably be better off going with one of the remakes of the first generation or second. Newer games kind of throw a lot at you.

Are you saying American audiences can't handle darker themes?

I am trying really hard not to... I just. If anyone in the office asks what I'm doing...

Just reading about some of these is bringing me close to tears. It must be all of it focused in at once, because only for one or two of them did I even come close to crying when seeing them originally.

How much do you think one'a these apartments would cost? They look so lovely! Probably much more than the floor plan would lead one to believe.

I completely agree with Angel/Cordy, but man I just could not stand Dru.

I think you are a little confused, my friend.

Is it just me or does it look like those Icelandic turf houses could have a hell of a flooding problem?

I think my brother has the DVD, I'll see if I can borrow it next I see him.