Hm. I hope I don't come off as too pushy about that "Mind sharing" bit. I am just always curious what it is about the game people don't like, especially with how poorly it launched.
Hm. I hope I don't come off as too pushy about that "Mind sharing" bit. I am just always curious what it is about the game people don't like, especially with how poorly it launched.
Mind sharing a little why you would not suggest TSW? I'll openly admit I am probably a fanboy, but it is a solid, if a little rough on the uptake, game. It also has some of the best story and characterization I've seen not just in an MMO, but in near any game.
I also vote yes, it is worth the buy, for all the reasons listed already. Well written, great atmosphere, excellent locations and references. The voice acting is the best I've seen in an MMO.
<insert god of technology here> bless us all, Deus Ex pack for six bucks. Everything I wanted in this sale.
The cards actually just get in my way. They bother me. I should just sell them all to save a quarter on the next game I buy and never play.
Team Rocket? Team Rocket can suck on mah balls.
I've always had trouble conquering in the early game. I try to focus on building a stable city or two, and by the time I have the military to take a city, I've met enough civs that they'll hold my "warmongering" ways against me for the rest of time.
Well, can't say no to a more serious movie. Will have to watch it when I'm off work.
Nuka Break was great, and did have some of that Fallout humor. I wonder why it isn't in the movie so much.
It is a panda. More apparent in it's preevolved form.
Thanks, Shane!
There's a bunch of hidden sales as well, I guess. Like, Bioshock 1 and 2 are at $5 each. I am really interested in this deal, but is this the kind of thing that might be in a bundle for a better deal later? Bundles aren't out yet. It isn't on the flowchart. I AM SO LOST WITHOUT THE FLOWCHART
Can anyone adequately explain, besides just "greed", why college is getting so expensive? I don't like the simple greed excuse, don't trust my "stuck paying it" negative view point, and definitely don't want to trust whatever answers Google provides, since it can wildly vary between "people at schools who want you to…
No, it's good advice, I wasn't sure if I had missed something, but you have reassured me.
This is going to hurt...
Guys, we're missing something vital here, with Dr Light killed, who is going to stop Dr Wily's Robot Masters?
That is a great idea for the future when my cat kicks it. She's a fiesty little one.
"Most people are fumbling around in the dark for 40 years, and get promoted based on tenure rather than career maneuvering."
Minor edit, RE: Genshiken