
I have that movie on VHS sitting in my room, and yet I still haven't watched it. I really need to get off my ass and... well, sit on my ass.

*incomprehensible high pitched chattering*

That is a great idea for the future when my cat kicks it. She's a fiesty little one.

I was at a con earlier this year, as I passed by a cosplayer in a dark, familiar looking get up, but without the blond hair, I raised my fist for a bump and said "Sup, Zack?" As in FFVII.

Okay, the words you use here make more sense to me. It certainly isn't the caliber they should be capable of taking Spiderman to, but when you said 'gross' I thought you meant, well 'disgusting.'

"Most people are fumbling around in the dark for 40 years, and get promoted based on tenure rather than career maneuvering."


Minor edit, RE: Genshiken

It's his own little way of getting at the Patriots.

I want you to know something, Tad-bravo. In my heart, I am giving you 50 stars, though the site only allows one.

I saw the first two episodes of Ultimate Spider-Man so far. What is "gross"?

The odd trade here and there is what I have been doing. It's just slower, having to wait between trade releases. I suppose that would be ideal time to go spend more money on trades of comics past, wouldn't it.

unrelated to comics, while I can take you seriously, you and your icon constantly make me want some delicious canned coffee.

Well I was more thinking "Subscribe at a comic book store, pick it up when it comes in." But after some google, looking at http://subscriptions.marvel.com/ , it turns out you can even get things sent to your door at some discount. It seems DC has an order form on the sidebar here http://www.dccomics.com/comics as

Only tangentially related here, but I don't know if io9 has an open thread kind'a deal anywhere.

"That's what Captain Atom said." First time I went by that, swore I heard "Captain Hammer." Was surprised he made it into a DC anything before I realized I probably misheard something.

I love a lot of the ideas in Flashpoint, what with Atlantis and the Amazons going crazy on each other/the world. I'll likely give this

I have never heard of Perception before, but I want to watch this episode.

Are you surprised that it is a mispronounciation of a foreign word?

Agreed. I would kill for that in red!

Mankind is the last Pokemon? /Nobody ever gets this Evangelion reference, so I am putting here specifically that it is an Evangelion reference.