
Yes, so better get cracking now, no time to lose!

Voyager is over here. (Star Trek, not real life)

Isn't nature just the coolest?

It's not a matter of how many there are, I was just never a big fan of using firetypes. There are exceptions here and there, but by and large, eh.

This is a fact I hadn't even considered!

I didn't follow the roundtable. Oh well, this is why I am not a Pokemon designer.

Oh, so it could be that middle-evolution growing pains. How all the starters midforms tend to look like snotty preteens!

There is a sort of divergent evolution based on gender. Or being Eevee.

Well, guess I'll have to adapt.

Alas. I'll have to live. Guess it means I won't need to find a fire type to use.

A seahorse made of kelp. Plant/water type?

really, I don't mind the pokemon, I just don't want Fetchling to be fire type

Skrelp. Resembles Kelp. I actually like that a lot.

Not a fan, hope it isn't Fetchling's evolved form. I have a strong feeling it will be, though.

That's great to hear. I may still have it installed from a trial ages past. Thanks!

Also, dammit, there are too many MMOs I enjoy already, Rift's class system is really fun, but can I juggle /another/?

I... honestly thought it was free already.

I never played SC2, so I can't say to what they did with Protoss there, but the first Starcraft predated the Tau. Just Eldar.

This is exactly what it sounds like, and I am happy.

Excellent. It was concerning news to me back when it was first announced, even though I hadn't played much in a while even before then.