
I don't use deodorant for the odor help, I actually smell really nice. People actually notice and compliment me more when I forget to apply any. I use it strictly for the antiperspirant power. I can not stand to have sweat under my arms. The idea of people seeing me with pit stains leaves me feeling embarrassed even

I need to find me two GBAs. For science.

I am almost positive you can not just trade between GSC and FR/LG. That is the part I wish you to explain.

I never transferred Pokemon to new games for use, only to keep holding on to my teams in one place, so I wouldn't have to jump around games to check what I did. I always want to try new teams, so I use new games to do that. Plus, level 60+ Pokemon on a fresh save? That's like cheating.

You need to explain this process, dude, because I do not believe you.

That image is the only hint of it all we have so far, last I knew. Who knows, maybe there are more options. If there aren't? Hey, it's progress, man. Maybe next gen we'll get customizable clothing, though I doubt that. The individuality of the character has never been the selling point of the Pokemon series. Though,

When listing Price for these things, could "free" be in quationmarks, or have be more "Free, with copious in app purchases"? Reading the article makes it clear, but then you get to the end, and it just feels like cheating to actually call this game free.

Oh Heaven, I just realized, Steam summer sales aren't too far away, are they?

Shit man, I have a con next week, I can't afford the Bioshock/Spec Ops pack... and ME3.... and Company of Heroes, and Ghostbusters, and DXHR, Alice, Brutal Legend, Age of Empires, Saints Row, Dark Souls, shit man, thi sis like Steam sales all over again.

Why, when they can just keep charging you more?

I had the same problem, but this is a great way to remmeber them. I loved the illusion of choice in creating my own class in Rift :D

That's a lot of what I liked about DCUO as well, and later on, The Secret World. Having the option to use a number of different abilities, and then cutting it down to a select set up that I need is part of the fun.

Three loves, can't shrug off that suggestion.

Might have to give it the ol' install when I get home. So long as I can make it marginally nice and simple to look at, I won't mind ditching foobar. It is sometimes more trouble than it is worth when you really want to customize it!

How is MediaMonkey as a music player? I use Foobar2000 currently, but when I try to sync it with my ipod, all the music moves over, but it's not in any noticible order. I'm currently using Rockbox on my ipod instead, but it has a habit of crashing at least once a week, so I've been debating getting rid of that. Not

Looks vaguely reminiscent of the Borg Queen to me, though I haven't bothered chcking google to compare beyond memory.

Happens to the best of us, mate.

You.. I... What? I know you were making a Portal reference. I was tossing one back. GLaDOS calling Chell fat in the games? Dry, mocking 'humor'? Not remembering that bit?

No. It's a rock. Much like all the other rocks around. Stop being so stupid. And fat.