Yoko for the win!
Yoko for the win!
The competition is pathetic, but I will probably make lunches for my kids. I spent years being queasy over school lunches & pre packaged stuff, but my IBS wasn’t diagnosed until I was like 20.
Sooo, why does this chick get a pass? If someone tells me they engage in sick & illegal behavior- I go to the cops, not their employer. What, she wanted a corporation to show more moral backbone than she did?
People are so fucking lame.
Ok, so I will teach my kids to be disdainful of ALL 6th graders who are on the messing - fucking around spectrum. Keep their fucking distance because those kids are not making good choices.
My dude handles the finances far better than I do & he can do basic cleaning. He can care for future chitlins & he has family & $$ to pick up the slack - I.e. cooking. He might feel like he was going to fall apart, but he could & would hold shit down.
Geezus - I want tipping to die a horrible, painful death. As a customer there is no way for me to legit express my dissatisfaction with service at a restaurant so quit pretending! Just fucking increase the cost of the meal. If I get bad service- I just won’t go to that restaurant again. But kill the fucking farce that…
I am not religious now, but I used to be. It was a double edged sword - sometimes the cloister effect was suffocating and sometimes it just felt like the most supportive community ever. I left because of religious belief (my lack), but I don’t feel (in general) that religious communities are any more restrictive than…
She is crazy & honest when it to American companies. I have been on the 70+ hour work weeks & staying overnight in the office for the final push. It happens in all industries.
All this is ridiculous. A partner who identifies himself with a pretty label is useless. Choose a partner that fucking takes ownership in the life you share together. Then, actually SHARE that fucking life! Ask for help and consideration & give it in turn. Don’t ever worry about equal shares - shit, I just make sure…
Yeah, “Let’s stay together” tends to make me chuckle & throw a left hook...
Then say it - sounds more likely sexist & predatory - call it out for what it is.
Yes, & I put the Dee Barnes & coworkers incident in another category as he would have gone there with a male journalist in that situation I believe. He was violent - it was well known.
Yeah, but I am a type 2 albino - my coloring & shit is different from most- including other Black women. Non white women compliment me. White women touch me, often without permission or thought to my discomfort. I am 40 - it has been a lifelong pattern. No other group presumes the right to invade my space.
It wasn’t swept under the rug. Do y’all remember 25 years ago? I do. Domestic violence on the whole didn’t get the attention it does today. People knew and didn’t care.
White chicks who used fuckboy to mean “side of ass” actually stole it from gay men AGES ago, ( I’m old, Black & Bi) but that was never common slang. Current usage is totally hip hop & I have always thought of it as “fuck, boy!” - a total derogatory exclamation about a fool that isn’t even a man. We don’t fuck fuckboys…
Well, I am not an animal so strangers walking up to me with “Lo, there goes the most exotic of creatures” in their eyes while there hands reach out to PET me feels dehumanizing, if not racist. I have had people “ask” to touch my hair while already knuckle deep - I am not a thing. It is disgusting.
Bizarre statement, she is an entertainer - not a political pundit. Her fans already know her formal education was limited, considering she was recording albums when teens her age were in Trig. She does speak in public - she isn’t hiding. It just doesn’t serve her brand to provide interviews.
Sorry, I don’t understand the stupidity. So you tell someone off after they are already leaving & someone else has already called the cops? That does absolutely nothing. At that point it wasn’t about the dog - just getting her dig in.
There is no benefit in giving interviews for her. If she does - she will be ripped apart by someone for something. Honestly, I think this is the best route to take. Lots of celebs weaken their brand because they can’t keep their mouths shut in public- they let the personal mingle with the public until their fans can’t…