Now that’s my kind of family values. And by “body” I meant pieces just so any victims would know the monster was dead & not alluding justice.
Now that’s my kind of family values. And by “body” I meant pieces just so any victims would know the monster was dead & not alluding justice.
Meh. Not basic, ticky tacky or a Klone - so no fucks given for dumb designer saying what other designers think or his hypocritical termination. He spoke out of turn, was swatted & will get quietly hired by someone else who will warn him to STFU.
Eh, if my family member was a child molestor...I’d tip the cops on where to pick up the dead body. If they killed someone- it would depend on who they killed.
Not knocking her success, but “cultural icon”?
I am currently burning thru ultras w/ overflow every two hours. Cramping & clotting - o joy! I am stressed - got notification of layoff Friday (BTW - what is worse than immediate layoff? Being the walking dead for 2 months while your coworkers hope they keep you & you begin to hope they don’t). Not even my BFF would…
Sorry, I tend to not be short sighted about these things. She is a trend at the moment- the current cause ribbon. Then it will be over & the industry & work will fade away like they never knew her name. I hope her support system will be ready for that.
I hope she enjoys the ride, but the fashion industry isn’t more inclusive & they aren’t altering beauty standards.
I know musical tastes are subjective, but damn - I’ve been into hip hop for over 20 years & this was not fire. This was a sad drizzle of lukewarm rain on a fucking muggy day. Weak, wack & not going in my collection.
I keep a tidy patch, but not uber groomed. It is sassy, enough hair to look intentional, rather than incidental. Trimmed enough to show I care w/o involving pros.
Didn’t we expect this? Seating gets smaller to accommodate more fares & people get bigger...what the hell is average anymore? Look, you need X amount of fuel to get Y lbs. a distance of Z miles. You need Y & Z to figure X I think.
His acting image is family friendly. I don’t think it is safe to assume that financial success / popularity has any affect on personal views. He can donate money to charity & attend a fundraiser wearing a ribbon, but that means little.
I think you misunderstand- I am a woman.
I am asking if you are upset by the whole slew of negative attitudes/ issues or just the ones that affect your group? Is it the underlying issues that get your goat or just superficial expressions? There is as much misandry in the Black community as misogyny. It all bothers me & it all has reasons that need to be…
True, and what about the young women who had no issues with the words? What about the women who saw the transactional nature of some of the relationships in the hood & rebelled against it, but acknowledged the pain of it.
Well, plenty of my family/friends still live there. I don’t bemoan all the attitudes there. I prefer being plain spoken. People worry so much what people call things without addressing the underlying issues.
Just so you know Black women - rappers & not, have been known to use “females” as well.
So are we supposed to be upset that Ice Cube hasn’t grown out of the views still held by many in his community or that the community hasn’t grown?
War = rape. Always has. Wish I was shocked, but I am not.
Topless + Buddha = Tacky
I am uber cynical, but I expect companies to cover their ass, it is what they do. The fact that they fired the dude is a plus. Any issue I have is with the NYPD. I don’t expect bars/clubs run by cokeheads to launch criminal investigations, much less objective ones. No - the NYPD is supposed to get warrants for all the…