
“Good news, Ms. Tequila, your security clearance has been approved!”

Please don’t let them replace him with someone worse, please don’t let them replace him with someone worse.

Then you are to blame for neonazis in the White House. Enjoy!

Here’s an idea...

In September, 32 girls in Chicago went on a religious retreat together. By November, their text message chain was riddled with racial slurs that got five of them suspended or expelled from their high school

Presumably your cats don’t wake you up every ninety minutes and scream for thirty minutes for an entire year. Exhaustion like that is how you forget your baby in the backseat.

Every time I here about that movie I wonder if it’s this one or the James Spader car accident porn one. It’s never the James Spader.

“But but rich people won’t steal! And he has nice daughters!”.

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

Whichever way you look at it; it’s a good thing.

Plus it’s not the girlfriend’s fault they broke up. He was obviously seeing someone on the side.

He sees what you did there.

I hope the keep a close eye on types like him.

It’s a tricky subject, the points of view are often incongruous.

I feel really bad for him (not about the revenge porn part. There, he can fuck off.) It’s got to be painful having so many people recoil when their eyes meet yours. Personally, I’d wear an eye patch, but maybe there’s reasons why he wouldn’t want to do that- it’s just, he’s kind of cute if you cover that part of his

I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.

And the blown out eye. That’s creepy, too.

Even that 12 year old who spoke at CPAC in ‘08 grew up and admitted he was just acting like a douche because he thought it’s what adults wanted him to do.

I am incredibly grateful that no one gave me that kind of platform at 24. Yikes.