
Oh second story, when I was still "dancing" two of my coworkers got called to a concert venue to dance for Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson-I had taken the night off to go to said concert and I thank god I did because Zombie was a HUGE prick, Manson and his band were super nice but Zombie acted like an entitled

A good male friend of mine got to hang out with those guys when they opened for Dylan in my city, he said they were great guys-to everyone with a penis. Any female that acted like they were interested in anything other than cocksucking got the kibosh

my stories might be in the greys but im with you

All of my "groupie" tales are really HALF groupie tales because I could never bring myself to go that route. I'm really insecure and my boyfriends are luck when I loosen up so yeah theres that. My first one I was offered a chance to be defiled by Trent Reznor when I was all of 14, and I'm sure I didn't look much

Thank you for replying. I've never looked at it this way and I can't say I'm informed enough to disagree with you. I guess I'm coming from the primal aspect of things where its hard to believe any woman would want their image to be so over sexualized, or scrutinized etc. I'm no prude but it just seems like it ALL

was thinking the same thing. also, your name:awesome

I'm not trying to be rude to you, but do you really believe most pop stars have 100 percent control over their images?

Thing is, it's lazy pick and choose feminism. In my opinion we shouldn't have a "take what we can get" approach to this..As someone above us said, she's mistreating black women, and acting kindof like a twit. I could care less that she wants to get naked-yawn-but what else has she done for me lately?

Totally not concern trolling or anything here, but didn't efron have a painpill problem? recovering rx queen here , and keeping away from those things is hell when you have ACTUAL pain. Hope he can keep it together or something.

In her defense I've worked several jobs where I was treated pretty much like this. I've been everything from a body piercer to an insurance wench. Shit is for real.

Still waiting on MY reply. All I'm seeing is personal attacks and people getting way too worked up over Marilyn Monroe EITHER way. American as apple pie, you ought to run for office in like, Kentucky or something.

I just read the article and I'm actually a little shocked it's being compared to stuff like K-2. I'm usually a bit hesitant to talk about this but I had a severe Rx opiate addiction and kratom was mildly helpful when trying to kick the habit. Obviously opiate dependence leads to a stunning tolerance level but I'm

Dude, I thought things were getting a little ridiculous on the thread, but what is up with the "oh jezebel posters" thing? Rex made a good point about rape victime beings able to embrace and celebrate their sexuality, and instead of talking about what she had to say you tossed out an ad hominem , passive aggressive

Thank you! I'm so sick of the Courtney hate, and for the matter the Yoko hate. Everything you said was absolutely true.

I used to be a pretty big Eminem hater myself. I hate the misogyny etc, but I've learned to give credit where credit is due. I've listened to the new album several times, and not only is his delivery and wordplay exceptional he admits to feeling like an asshole for some of the misogynist/homophobic b.s. and the double

I don't think the point was to clean it up...It's not problematic because the whole point was to highlight how ridiculous it is in the first place, and the fact that men arent sung to / used as props in that way. (generally anyway)

I have a friend named Justin Case. His parents insist that it was an accident.

I loooove MC Chris..A friend of mine ended up with him at his has for an after show party once . He said at first the guy was reaaallly cool and freaking over the home-owners sci-fi memorabilia, but then MCC got kinda weird and desperate for attention, like the guy had NO off button..It was bad enough that people

That's totally fair. There are PLENTY of crap jobs, and sister I FEEL for ya. I tip whenever I can and I think it's lame that some companies wont allow employees to accept tips..As far as the restaurant situation goes, it's just amazing to me that any of us even need to have this discussion. It's something that every

I don't think it's so much about being proud, as coming out of the shadows , owning what you do did and refusing the guilt trip. My personal experience definitely included some anguish , but most of my post-abortion stress has been a result of other peoples bullshit. I can't tell you how many times I've been with a