
hah i wish i had read your reply before posting because you're right on.

Yes because abortion is WAAAY worse than buying a human being, treating them as an object subjecting them to beatings rape etc. Women don't ENJOY getting abortions. Most of us who have gone through it aren't the selfish whores we're made out to be. Most of us consider outside factors like quality of life for our

You should have known from the title of the article that it is NOT about adoption. Not every article on abortion is required to stress alternatives. Are you also angry she didn't include information about where to get flu shots? Just go away.

No offense, but I've done both jobs, and waiting tables at a high traffic bar/cafe/whatever is Vietnam compared to bagging groceries. Don't forget we're not just waiting on you. Oftentimes we're doing food prep, making desserts, answering phones, cleaning, preparing take-out orders etc. That shit is ass-kicking.

Carry-out is an option. You don't have to agree with it, but this is how the restaurant industry has worked for years.

I've waited tables on and off for the last decade. This article is DEAD ON. I prided myself on doing a great job, and I was a favourite with regular customers. That said we all have our bad nights. About 6 years ago I was in an abusive relationship, and after an endless night of hitting kicking biting etc, I was

shee-it. I've been second guessing MYSELF on this now. Someone mentioned the fact that these stores carry jrs clothing-true. But my body and my style have changed very little over the years, it's a consistent problem for me.

100 percent with you

Fair enough, she didn't say shocked but the overall tone of the article kindof makes me think that she didn't really seem to know what she was getting into.

that's my point! i think the term plus sized is a joke to begin with, but if they're going to go there how about using it on actual pluz sized clothing?

I'm 27, but in the case of wet seal and some others I've had a problem finding clothes since I was a teenager-and at that point I weighed a whopping 120 pounds! I will say though a big problem for me is that I'm pretty chesty

Not too many, but a few online retailers, and whenever I've tried to shop at Wet Seal and Forever 21. It doesn't break my heart because I'm not a huge fan of these stores but yeah.

I don't see how anyone changed for her. She had to wear padding and says she didn't work all that much.

It sounds to me like she shouldnt have been in the industry in the first place. She didn't like being snarked at for the way she looked, so she jumped into plus size modeling thinking it would be easier and found that she was wrong about that too.All she did was half-ass her way around the modeling biz and she

I get what you're saying, but I'm with fizz on this one. It would be alot more inspiring if she decided FUCK IT, and refused to go along with it. It sounds like she was on the verge of an eating disorder, recognized it , then continued to allow others to label her. In the end she's still contributing to a fucked up

This article is terrible. I'm having as hard time thinking of how to comment without sounding like a rude terrible person but fuck it. First of all, how dense does someone have to be to get into modeling and then be SHOCKED at how critical potential employers were of her body? And the fact that anyone would ever

By your logic , it's my fault if I wear a short skirt and get raped. Fuck you.

I don't think anyone is shocked that a heterosexual male would look at a girl, we're disgusted and angry that they would post photos of them on the internet without their permission, and that the main offender in the story is a god damned teacher. I'm so tired of this blame the victim bullshit. What the person was

Wow. You're a total dick.

100 percent true.