
Glover’s always seemed a little embarrassed by Community and Troy Barnes, which is a tragedy, since his performance is such a perfect combination of hilarious and heartfelt. I mean, I understand that Atlanta’s a really good show and it seems like a great expression of Glover’s creative energy, but his performance on

This was great to see in every respect. That said, I cannot get a read on Glover. Clearly he’s a genius, but I can never tell what his real personality is, or what he’d be like in person - it seems to vary wildly depending on what project he’s promoting. Here and in his old standup special, he’s got this goofy


Donald Glover really was the comedic MVP of this show. He’s just astonishingly funny. He brings such a transcendent sweetness/dumbness to Troy.

I got a Community notification for—oh wait, that makes sense. 

I avoid celebrity news like the plague and I hope this story dies as quickly as possible or moves over to Jezebel where it likely belongs.

I can’t help but think that we, as a culture, throw around the phrase, “of all time,” far too casually.

You say that like that’s not what they chose, and you’re spitting hard truths...

Every day this website mines a horrible new vein of sponcon shillery

Wow this is wildly uninteresting.

“It’s difficult to throw a rock without hitting a famous person who’s appeared in a Marvel movie...Even her former Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson is suiting up to become our next Batman”

Batman isn’t a Marvel character. 

Now playing

He was defending Michael Jackson and R Kelly back on Chappelle’s Show and nobody took it seriously then, and they shouldn’t take it seriously now. It’s a joke. Dave Chappelle doesn’t really think kids should be happy to be molested and if you honestly think he does then I don’t even know what to say. I’m not saying

Inquisition was the first Bioware game I couldn’t make myself finish, and I’ve done so for pretty much every RPG they developed since Baldur’s Gate (exceptions are that weird Sonic game and the smartphone stuff). Superficially DA:I had everything, but it felt... soulless.

This might be true, but if Bioware kept putting out games of Inquisition’s quality, I would be more than satisfied.

Actually they make him the manager, but then don’t really know what to do with his character after that.

And used to better effect in Shaun of the Dead. 

And it looks like Ed Helms dies first, so I’m really in.

Oh thank God.


I couldn’t agree more. As one of the longest standing members here that saw most of the longtime community drop The AV Club—primarily because of the Kinjapocalypse—one of my biggest pop culture disappointments is just how much this site went downhill during the Univision takeover in general, and still suffers to this