
“Few would argue that Daenerys turning into the Mad Queen and destroying King’s Landing wasn’t fitting, as it was foreshadowed multiple times “

This is horseshit. The “foreshadowing” is only there retroactively. Had it gone the other way, there was just as much “foreshadowing” that would have shown her moving to being

Tell, don’t show (Screenwriting 101). I’m sure that’s how it goes.....

You are literally the problem here. A man told viewers that the station broke into a broadcast in an effort to provide crucial public safety information, and your actual fucking response was that, because it's inconvenient to you and you have other sources for this information, it therefore must not be important to

In areas with severe weather when there is an alert, people will change the channel to the competent weather people/weather team they like.

They should give the viewers what they want so every shithead who watches this dumb ass show gets obliterated by a tornado.

What bothers me most about these stories is that the handful of guys who do this want to “trigger” the libs and “be seen”. Articles like this give those few people on Twitter exactly what they want.

The AV Club posting these kind of stories is the leading cause of smug.  It is easy to find anything you want on twitter or in you tube comments, so when they need a story, it is always there to write.  I think they are hungover from the long weekend so we get this. 

Why does the AV Club always insist on picking the lowest hanging fruit possible? “Here’s red meat for our progressive readers, chomp chomp.” Who is learning, here, and what?

Not every movie theater was set up with a cootie-decontamination room like mine, either.

Chewie’s “crossbow” was actually just a big-ass blaster.  It shot lasers.  This has an actual arrow.

The finger thing means the money

I’m loving the indignant tone over Busy Tonight being cancelled as if AVC had been reviewing it the entire time. The show has been on for 7 months and over 100 episodes with several high caliber B listers on the couch, and yet, there are 3 clips and the cancellation notice under the Busy Tonight tag. What happened?

who shot GRRM?

They should explain it with a cameo appearance from Matthew McConaughey, leering as he watches some of Peter’s classmates walk by.

If there were more seasons left, the treatment of Ghost might be enough for me to quit watching. He had been protecting you for years, Jon! He just lost an ear for you. And you can’t even give him a little attention before sending him away forever?

wow, for some reason this site, which can often be relied upon to be snarky and withering, leaves this hunk of flaming feces out there as if it’s not the most depressing thing I’ve heard all day.  

One bastard son of a Baratheon moves in and suddenly everything is getting gendryfied.

Euron has been such a terribly under-developed character, who at the same time, has an almost magical power to completely turn the tide of battle and massively affect the story. He’s not just a shitty person, he’s a shitty plot device.

You can tell this is fake because it’s not 25 pages long describing every brick and pile of garbage in the scene.

Just when I thought Theon Greyjoy couldn’t bring a grown man to tears again, Sansa goes and gives him the Stark pin. Total redemption, R.I.P..