Jalapenos are a mexican pepper an don’t pretend to know about food and then hate on onions. Onions are a key ingredient to many tasty dishes, including guacamole. You can even get a 10 pound bag of them from your local car dealership.
Jalapenos are a mexican pepper an don’t pretend to know about food and then hate on onions. Onions are a key ingredient to many tasty dishes, including guacamole. You can even get a 10 pound bag of them from your local car dealership.
So her responses are either the same as Drew’s or different than Drew’s? Is there any other possible outcome?
A moment of silent farting and a brief pour-out of their soggy-bun-water cups for their homie who couldnt be there.
that was a pretty sweet bicycle kick.
“Not too high, too hard.”
Theres nothing like a picture of a Nieman Marcus store to help illustrate “affordability”
*gratest fear
That’s what the dog is thinking.
Go for the upgrade on the membership, which earns you a 2% rebate on most purchases. They send you a rebate check at the end of the year (usually with the membership renewal form) and ours has always been between $150-$200, which more than covers the membership fee. It’s s if they are paying you to save money!
What grown man orders a non-alcoholic drink at a sit-down restaurant? Order a beer or bourbon and enjoy it knowing you’ll be paying for the second one and third one and fourth one...
same here, you are not alone. see ya at the meeting.
olives, aka the Devil’s turds
Agreed. And their Penn Quarter Porter is delicious. Not sure if it’s a special release or one of their standards.
No way! Didn’t you see that Rex Ryan got a Bills tattoo (to cover up his Jets tattoo)? Total game changer.
steak and eggs with peppercorns? brilliant!
...so low even Snyder could reach it.
Dear Deadspin,
Dammit, man! Why must you give us a logically sound and historically proven argument to burst our bubble? Can’t we just continue be the blind homers that make us the best fans and all of our DC teams the best among all of the leagues?
If sneezing ceased to exist, it would take my wife and I less than a day to notice. Myself and most of our 10 kids are “sun-sneezers”. The sun or any bright lights make us sneeze, usually just once. We will walk out of the house or a store, we will all sneeze, almost in sync, because of the change in lighting. She…