4th and touchdown

I want the Warriors to win, but more than that, I want to see elimination game James Harden. I love nothing more than watching him slowly loaf to either end of the floor throwing up bricks that could be airballs, while he stares off glassy eyed and coughs up double digit turnovers.

I feel sorry for the people who miss out on the enjoyment from watching this greatness because the don’t like Lebron for some dumb reason.

I have no idea what Hassan Whiteside’s racial background is, but I like to think that his dad is black and his mom is white. That way he can refer to the two sides of his family as the white side and the Whiteside side.

As a Blazers fan, this feels a lot like losing to the Thunder back when everybody was right to fear Kevin Durant, and then this guy named Westbrook explodes all over the court and all the casual fans went, “ah geez, this guy, too??!!?”

Okay, now he’s ready to run for president.

“.....he was diagnosed with a broken femur, a broken pelvis, internal bleeding, bleeding on the brain, nine fractured ribs, and a broken neck.”

Well, it was the Christian thing to do.

Also, the same number as his rape charges.

Hate to be the highlight truther but randomguy is right. It wasn’t a small push either. It was his entire body weight through the shoulder. I’m all for crossovers but this ain’t that. It is the blatant “harden push” that is always uncalled

That’s not really getting crossed up. Harden essentially pushed him down with his forearm and that, plus the momentum of the defender backpedaling, is what ended up with him on the ground.

Fun Police here, But if they’re not going to call the obvious offensive foul, there is no one in the history of ever that can guard him.

How did he break his ankles? Was it when harden pushed off?

He then picked up the ball and travelled 3 steps backward. Must have lost focus and started thinking about the Instagram models he plans on paying for sex after the game

Good for him I thought. Maybe I should have flipped over.

If you spend too much time Stalin against Russia, they will go ahead and take the ball for an easy Putin.

As superteams go, a Rockets squad with Harden/Paul/Anthony could be a legit Challenger in the West.

Nah, it’s okay because Mayweather is a faggot from the waist down.

This disgraceful show by all involved is an embarrassment to the quiet dignity and grace with which boxing has always carried itself. Don King must be spinning in his grave.

At least Durant contributed to his super team’s championship. All I’m saying is he easily could have helmed the super bowl 50 Broncos and won by a wider margin, if only by virtue that Durant can feel his fingers and tie his own shoes.

mystified or bored or otherwise deterred by a simple screen