4th and touchdown

But how many playoff triple-doubles has he had since Durant left?

That was a pilltastic speech.

I think you’re right. But from his history I immediately thought he was saying, “I’m the one who makes it rain when we go celebrate at the strip club. Now where’s my briefcase?”

He should run for president.

Deflategate part 2. Pats still trying to deflate balls.


He was a much better player than he should’ve been in that game. With that signature move, you could dunk from almost anywhere with Chambers.

One reason he probably didn’t want them covered is because he figured he’d be back in prison again some day.

One early morning awhile back I was awoken by a huge crowmmotion outside. When I left for work, I found a crows head and its entrails on my walkway.

I honestly don’t know how he sleeps at night.

So how angry is Dan Gilbert this time? Is he Comic Sans angry, or just Copperplate Gothic angry?

Now playing

If a 10 lb cat can do this to a grown man, there’s almost no chance against a 100 lb cat:

I bet Drake has an explicit agreement with his security team: Don’t ever let me fight regardless of how much I say that I want to fight.

I think we’ve found the natural successor to chess boxing.

If you shoot at your own basket, miss, and get the rebound, does that count?

Now playing


Also, I’ll star any comment that criticizes Harden’s play.

She should sue the shit out of the hospital and donate the entire settlement to UNICEF.

She’s great! But only because she exemplifies why I don’t like the winter olympics: a bunch of gear-heavy sports attracting small pools of athletes who are able to afford said gear. She’s exposed how shallow the talent pool is in some of these events.

“continually harassed, humiliated, pressured, and threatened”