Have a star for that lovely wagon.
Have a star for that lovely wagon.
The only car to win without pistons? And revved to 71 trillion rpm?
Development League, Development League, Development League!
"You guys like this concept?"
Yet only a slice of the problem, my friend.
Ken Block or Pastor Maldonado? Place your bets now.
You're clearly very reasonable. But, I'd point out that there is no such thing as a free market when the market's product makes users (typically those under 18) into addicts.
The breed is definitely, "Dumbass owner"
Looks like a "Oops, saw green (arrow) and went" moment. We've all had those, to a certain degree. Usually just rolling forward a few inches or so.
Sort of reminds me of the Harley Davidson F-150. Both equally slightly cheesy.
We should ask her about Flight 370 too.
A hundred replies about engines towing themselves, and not one Yo Dawg post? Well played, Jalops. Well played.
That is one tilted horizon.
I concur, time to go get a proper beer.
I hate this thing, but doors that open the whole damn thing up and an interior you can spray down.
Probably NSFW, depending on how puritan your workplace is.
The first one is gorgeous, but I'm not sold on the nose. Put the second nose on the first car and I'll take it.
Ryan, shome thingsh in here do not react well with bulletsh.