
If you didn’t understand clickhole was satirical after reading some of it or seeing their quizzes or lists (!!), I don’t blame you for enjoying the pandering dulcet tones of xkcd reassuring you that it couldn’t possibly be that you may not be the sharpest knife on the internet.

God please tell me some of the fans go simply to kneel during the anthem.

But muh free speech! On a private server hosted by a private corporation...

At this rate, they’re gonna have to concede to the Farrelly brothers.

Where are all the articles about women who were branded “difficult to work with” and are in need of a comeback????

To all these profilers I prescribe the book “Why Does He Do That,” by Lundy Bancroft, a counselor who worked with abusive men.

This makes me miss the Toast :(

And on a completely unrelated note or semi unrelated. Karlemagn I want to thank you for voicing your opinion in a coherent and respectful way. We may not agree 100% but it has been absolutely amazing being able to speak with another intelligent and respectful human being. and hot having both of our arguments degrade

I completely understand and agree with that point of view. But remember, it’s the internet he could apologize today and it could still get dragged back up in a year and he could be asked to apologize again. We no longer live in the era where a mistake gets to be in the past.

When your black friend is Drake, you might be able to get away with this.

“If white people can’t use a word then nobody can.”

Not that I want to defend Wal-Mart who I believe is wrong here, but your comment makes no sense since the objection is ostensibly about keeping pornographic and dehumanizing materials away from children. How is “don’t buy it” an answer to that. (I don’t think this qualifies as pornographic, of course)

Black Panther is the biggest hit of 2018 and stands poised to become one of the five highest grossing movies in the

tHe oNlY WaY tO sToP a TeAcHeR wItH a GuN iS wITh A sTuDeNt WiTh TwO gUnS!!!

I was guffawing the whole way through because of the continual use of the word hoagie. What a hilarious word! I love it. I’m gonna write a big story using the two words hoagie and scrumptious as much as I can.

I agree this hoagie is disgusting looking!!

That’s all well and good but that hoagie in the pic looks like it’s diseased. What’s that black thing on the left hand side, an olive?

Dude imagine this: self delivery

Question: Being as I once ate puffin on a trip to Iceland, can I now claim to have eaten porg?