
I really enjoyed this article and agree so much about its darkness and beauty and being a bummer. But I have to disagree with your description of Eva in general as slow and plodding. I think towards the end it definitely becomes that, but the first 18 or so episodes (with the exception maybe of Episode 3, where Shinji

Soylent Greninja is made out of Greninja!

If Kallax is included, can the old Expedit be an “echo” character or whatever?

I just want a pair of yellow-orange Converse One Stars with a red star

You’re last month’s blog bra:

Looks like I finally have to get a PS4

This is how I felt about it. Honestly, I think that the movie couldn’t have been any better because it suffered from Marvel “Character’s First Movie Syndrome” where there is just way too much exposition that HAS to be included and no perfect way to do it. Spider-Man HC was transcendent for me, but a large part of

I was thinking the same thing! “Good kinja!”

What you say is true. I guess my comment was weighted towards his actions, when what I really meant was, “I wish this was how atonement for things like this worked online and in society, and that someone could just apologize sincerely and it would be taken to heart.” Alas, the internet doesn’t teach us how to forgive,

His Judas was superb, but Judas is the best role in the musical no matter which version you’re watching. His songs are just too good!

I agree with you about the hair-brained-ness being too much at times, and about it overall not feeling as smooth as his musicals, but I also feel like it should be stated that it doesn’t play well as a musical because it’s an opera! and it isn’t afforded the luxury of having spoken dialog to progress narrative and

Sigh, it’s too true. I just for once want to be proven wrong! I want the goose with the golden goatee!

Everyone’s got different memories, I do tend to remember all of the songs I sing along to just because my mind works that way, but I feel this is beside the point. I agree that it was an honest mistake, but however innocent his intent might have been, it doesn’t invalidate other peoples feelings of offense at what he

Literally the same, I had a pool going in my head. When the hype started, I watched one of his Halo streams from a few years ago and he said one of his teammates got “raped,” and realized immediately he just had normal shitty-gamer tone-deafness. I thought to myself maybe he’s since become more conscious but

But the word isn’t in the actual lyrics so he just said it apropos of nothing

You can’t be serious

That was fast

...links to your Gundam Wing slash fiction? Please?

Hellz yeah Splatoon 2! My otherwise totally uninterested gf regularly sings nonsense to every single song that occurs while I’m playing it, especially the lobby waiting one. The addition of being able to use your controller as a sampler/pitchbender as you wait for a match to populate also deserves mention as a great

Good job on this. The Splatoon one omg