those exist, in private matches(not sure why they arent public) can also modify it and post the gamestyle on elite for your friends to see/ play....
those exist, in private matches(not sure why they arent public) can also modify it and post the gamestyle on elite for your friends to see/ play....
the herman cain BLR is the best yet, by far. effing hilarious.
why would they disappear?
i cry while im reading most of totilos articles....
that code being you can only rape other dudes in prison?
couldnt agree more... i have made less new friends online in the last year or two, as my friends and i are always in party chat when we play... most people that dont play in groups, dont seem to use a mic at all anymore, as no one really talks anyways.
didnt read the article, or the title, eh? PS3 controllers dont have any of those buttons either... why would they be there?
so.... why didnt you just tell him to get fucked? he has sway with the landlord? have you ever complained to the landlord about him?
i am more likely to use different guns with this system, actually. using the gun for an extended period of time to unlock attachments will force me to get used to how the gun works, and make me better with it, regardless of the proficiencies, attachments, etc.
ahh, so japan will soon be in the same boat as the US.
i actually loved the sound of the TAR from MW2, and described it as a mutant typewriter.
heh...thanks for that.
i said for quite a while now ii would like single player and multiplayer titles split, and released at different times.... if they ever did that, they would screw us on pricing though.
why torture yourself like that? w@w mp was crap.
trophy system is cool, its about time there is a counter to tubes and rockets.....
right? hadnt heard that song in quite a while...
really grasping at straws for that one, huh?
i dont care about 95% of the japan stuff that bash posts, so therefore, i dont read it, and dont comment on it.