they didnt release an actual number when Trials Evolution broke the same record 2 weeks ago either.... they just said that it was the fastest selling arcade game ever...
they didnt release an actual number when Trials Evolution broke the same record 2 weeks ago either.... they just said that it was the fastest selling arcade game ever...
im guessing that you either didnt a) solve all of the puzzles, or b) solve them on your own. if you did either of those things, and are still disappointed, i guess im just surprised...
luke, you should check out the credits for Trials: Evolution... pretty amusing, and made me realize the same thing.
....but disturbed is fucking terrible. so is the rest of the music in this game... if i wanted to listen to shitty rock radio playing the same tired nu metal sounding crap over and over again, i would turn on the radio.
i printed the key out kind of early on... i didnt think it was a puzzle, i thought it was maybe something that was readable in NG+ or something, so i looked it up, and ruined it for myself... also, the clue in the room you mentioned might have eluded me.
thats a pretty cool card.
it says "you are amazing." too. i thought it was funny that i learned a new alphabet yesterday.
I'm getting the demo for Fez now, but I've been waiting for Trials Evolution for quite some time now. I can't wait to see what people come up with in the level editor.
maybe if they were choking each other rather than simply embracing each other in the first pic. at least thats how my brother and i would play when we were kids.
im on my 3rd of those controllers. first one: d-pad snapped off in less than a month. second: after about three months, d-pad broke off and launched itself into the air while it was sitting on my couch and no one was touching it.
you must not have been around in 96.
California: where only the Feds bust potheads.
not if you want to smoke it later.... seriously though, dude was going to SXSW. if you cant find a bag at SXSW, then youre doing it wrong.
i stopped listening to kanye when he started to autotune everything he "sang." holy shit, that crap is awful.
being someone that bought the 360 hardened edition, i would agree. having the maps in advance isnt really that useful, as there is a separate playlist for elite premium members. those playlists have far fewer options for game modes, and the map rotation is 1 original map for every 7 new maps, so you just play the…
he looks more like mark wahlberg than dane cook, and no, he doesnt look like mark wahlberg.
yessir, completely agree. there is a larger number of games i would buy in general, rather than just dropping $60 on games im sure ill like, if the price point allowed me to take a chance on games im not sure of...
obligatory slappa da bass clip.