
yessir. haunting and calming at the same time... i loved the music in this game, shame there hasnt been another like it since...i liked echoes and corruption, but i still liked prime best.

this game makes me wish i owned a ps3. there should be more games that look like this.


yeah, the british empire was such a great idea...

yeah, i used to watch the state on mtv back in the day. even then it was a show that most people just didnt get.

"No actually, this is my favorite scene in the entire movie - I mean that's impossible to decide, but I'd say that if I really had to choose, I'd choose this one."

im assuming you are aware of the state. if not, then go watch the state.

i guess it wouldve been pretty hard to create 10 new icons....

man, i got one of those as a gift once. it was green apple, and it took me months to eat half of it. i think i thew the rest away. save it for the apocalypse.

baaaaaaaaa. make your own decisions.

its incredibly likely that she smells. it would be odd if she didnt. i think the word he was looking for is 'stinks.'

while that may be true, that doesnt make his point any less valid.

this article is tagged as "breaking."

that would be a lot cooler if you had more option for factions... never thought of that. it might make the gang affiliation aspect of the game make some sort of sense, also.

oh, the hatred i had for that gate as a child... *shakes fist*

apple here, i remember playing it at school...

that because you can unlock all of those items in the game by playing it. they are in marketplace for those that would like to buy them rather than earn them.

that doesnt mean you cant weigh in on the game, mike. just because you state your opinion, that doesnt mean it nullifies or contradicts lukes opinion.

dropped the ball? their ball goes up in this scenario, not down - they make bank.

Now playing

if snoop dogg was dead, i wouldnt have seen him on the price is right playing plinko about a month ago.