
old 360, or slim? if its an old model, and youre willing to crack open your 360 (if the warranty is up), its totally fixable, search for 'open tray error' on youtube... you basically tighten one screw in your disc drive about 20 degrees.

-Since when did cash spewing from a dead enemy become acceptable in even an arcade shooter?

that shit was hilarious...the perry one was pretty good.

i mentioned one thing, not many things.

these are things that should have existed in previous battlefield games and up to this one.... these and other features that just dont exist in battlefield games.

mw3 will also feature death streaks. i think they are a great idea. it sucks getting screwed over and over again....

your logic failed you there.

i like the one step forward, small step back idea of rewards with drawbacks that serve to balance the game.

lag in w@w and black ops is constant... one team is always laggy, if you arent lagging , your opponents are.

my only real question about pointstreaks (seeing as how you can find just about everything else on youtube), is how do points earned in game translate into points toward a pointstreak.

read my concerns about dom and pointstreaks two posts down...

yeah, balanced, but a leggy mess full of crappy maps, just like w@w.

hmm...thats a good question. i assumed until this point that they would repeat over and over.

Now playing

i dont think you can switch pointstreak types mid game...just like you couldnt change your killstreaks in previous games. you choose them before the match, and roll with that one pointstreak for the game.

they work great, i used it for mortal kombat, and i play a lot of worms 2 on XBLA, and they are waaaaay better than the original d-pad, other than the fact that theyre constructed like a happy meal toy. the d-pad its self is relatively thin plastic, its attached to the controller with a cylinder of thin plastic that

beat me to it. im waiting to get my third one of these from MS after the new d-pad broke off, again

dur... i thought i clicked that eye before and it didnt have what i was looking for. thanks.

so did gawker destroy blog view now, too? there doesnt seem to be a blog view function anymore....

i like it... im a fan of both snapshot and long form reviews, i generally will only read through long reviews of games im already considering, but i will read smaller reviews of just about any game. i like being informed, but i may not always want to take the time to read through a long review of a game i know i will