the problem with motion gaming (if it ever gets to the point of being an actual advancement, rather than coming off as gimmicky), is that it hasnt been proven to be an advancement yet.
the problem with motion gaming (if it ever gets to the point of being an actual advancement, rather than coming off as gimmicky), is that it hasnt been proven to be an advancement yet.
the problem with motion gaming (if it ever gets to the point of being an actual advancement, rather than coming off as gimmicky), is that it hasnt been proven to be an advancement yet.
yeah, you obviously dont understand anything about how game development or the industry itself works....
you too?
there is a mode that is exactly that in MW3. its called survival. its like zombies without the zombies... look into it, they put out a gameplay trailer for it already.
That's "still technically summer," Valve's Doug Lombardi assured Kotaku at Gamescom.
so it appears that the classic zombie maps are the same ones that you got with the hardened or prestige editions of black ops... would anyone who has those care to explain what is different about them than the W@W versions?
i would really like some details on the revisions to the old zombies maps included in this map pack..... or are they the originals? i though i read somewhere that they made changes to the w@w maps.... i dont really feel like paying for the same exact maps twice.
ha! i have a copy of that.
shes not playing just any zelda, this is a link to the past were talking about, here...
uhh...those eyes, theyre fake.
i was thinking that too. one of the few times when someone doing voice acting is flat, monotone, and cold is perfectly appropriate.
"is a bully", or "are bullies." you have to pick one.
so, its 3 game cubes, not duct taped together?
wikipedia doesnt have douglas adams' wit or imagination. i dont believe there will ever be a 'real' hitchhikers guide, in that sense....
i agree.... i would really like the survival mode to be up to four players. that was one of the reasons i never really played spec ops in MW2 as much as i wouldve liked...i would rather play with more people when possible.
sleight of hand pro is more important to me that just faster reloading, and you only get the dual mags reload once...but i understand why people use it. i roll with silencers.